Amazon Alexa + Ring
Recent Solutions
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Pre-owned Ring devices
My friend moved from a house to an apartment and gave me several of his cameras that he didn't need. he no longer has an account. can I add pre-owned cameras to my account?
•12-12-2024 10:59:07
Combine Ring Blink into one subscription
I have 2 ring doorbells and one inside ringer, 2 blink cameras, and 2 Alexa Shows. I have one ring plus subscription. It is my understanding that I can get the ring and blink cameras combined into the one subscription. I cannot get the ring subscription to recognize either blink camera. The
•26-10-2024 03:53:04
Recover videos
I have a subscription but was unaware of videos only lasting 60 days. I have a video concerning CSEA that’s has an impact on custody of my daughter. Can I legally recover said video?
•15-10-2024 04:04:20
Recent Discussions
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Turning on/off motion alerts using an Alexa routine.
I've been trying to find a way using a third party app, such as IFTTT or SmarThings, to create a routine in Alexa that will stop motion alerts on my 3 Ring cameras. I know I can switch my alarm mode to "Disarmed" and set my cameras not to send motion alerts in that mode, but that doesn't solve my p
•20-12-2024 11:14:11
MyQ garage door video keypad/ Ring
I don't understand why Ring is allowing them to mislead people. This can make them look bad as well. The only reason that I bought the My Q garage door key pad was because it said that it was compatible with ring services. So I just assumed that that meant the camera would be part of that considerin
•19-12-2024 03:41:28
Ring and Alexis
Why is the ring doorbell not working. It lights up, but does not ring in the office. Also Alexis does not respond at all. Alexis does not announce that someone is at the door.
•18-12-2024 06:28:21
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