Ring Video Doorbell

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Wired Doorbell Smart Alerts Problem and no snapshots with Rich Notifications

I’m having a problem with Smart Alerts on a Wired Doorbell. I no longer get motion notifications when Smart Alerts is enabled. I worked with a Ring tech via phone on this problem and the end result was to turn off the Smart Alerts feature, which brought back the notifications. I am also no longer getting snapshots with Rich Notifications enabled, even though it’s receiving a strong WiFi signal. I have done a power reset and even a full factory reset but this did not clear these problems. At this point I can’t help but think that this is a firmware issue. Aside from these problems the unit is fully functional.

Has anyone else run into these problems? If so, have you found a way to correct them?

All responses will be appreciated.

I tried replacing this doorbell with a brand new unit. It worked well for a little while and then failed the same way. I reinstalled the old one, factory reset it and rebooted the base unit. Like the new one it worked for a while and then started failing again. This proves that it is not a hardware problem. Something is causing the Smart Alerts to fail and is blocking the snapshots in the notifications. Being it works for a while after installation and setup the firmware appears to be okay, at least for a short time after initialization.

I’m truly stumped with this one. Are there any techies on this board who might give me a hand with this? You’d have my most sincere gratitude.




20-03-2024 01:49:07

Responses (2)


Hi @spektyr. Have you checked your Modes settings to see if motion detection is turned off in a particular Mode? Or do you see motion events logged in the Event History, but there are no notifications accompanied with them? It’s unclear if you motion detection is working and the issue is only notifications, or if no motion is being detected at all.

Regarding Rich Notifications, toggle off Low Data Mode if you’re on iOS, or toggle Background Data on Android. I’d also suggest reviewing the settings on your phone to see if there are any power saver or battery optimization settings that can impact notifications.


22-03-2024 07:03:21


Motion Events are being recorded for both the Wired Doorbell and the Stick-up Cam but no notifications are being received, so the trouble is with the notifications. So far my Floodlight Cam is still not suffering from this issue, and I hope it never does.

Background Data has always been enabled on all my devices and I have no power or battery restrictions set for the Ring app. That snapshot problem is only effecting the Wired Doorbell, so far. The Stick-up cam was operating normally until today but is now suffering from the same problem with the Smart Alerts. I’ve done a factory reset on both units and the problem persists. I’m scratching my head big time over this.

I’m taking it due to the lack of firmware info in the Device Health menus that there is no way to reflash the firmware to see if that clears the problem. Perhaps you can suggest adding that capability to your higher ups. Just a thought.


23-03-2024 09:24:27


@spektyr You’ve run through all of the basic troubleshooting steps I would recommend then. The only other thing I’d suggest checking is if you have a Motion Schedule set up, which would prevent alerts during set times of the day. If that’s not the case, it would be best to follow up with our support team for more in-depth troubleshooting assistance. The issue may need to be escalated if standard troubleshooting doesn’t resolve it.


25-03-2024 06:15:16


The trouble is being caused by the Ring Edge system. Disabling the local storage for all cameras cleared the problems, but now I’m no longer storing the videos locally. This must be a trouble with the current firmware version and needs to be corrected by Ring. If they do not correct it then it would be pointless for anyone to by a Ring Pro base for local storage. I would appreciate being notified when this problem is corrected.


30-03-2024 09:16:52


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29-04-2024 09:17:37

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