Why does Stick Up Cam Elite have a continuous stream of wireless transmission when using Ethernet?

I just bought a Stick Up Cam Elite. I powered it up using the included PoE adapter and used the App to connect it to my network. The cam was configured to use Ethernet, and I can now view the camera over Ethernet.

Wireless was used to set the camera up using the App, but now that setup is complete, I expect there to be no wireless connection anymore.

Using an RF meter, I can see that as soon as the camera is plugged into a wall outlet, a non-stop stream of wireless transmission begins. As soon as the device is unplugged from the wall outlet, the transmission stops. The stream is 100% continuous, with no intermittent breaks. Removing power appears to be the only way to make it stop.

Can someone please explain why the device is transmitting wirelessly like this? The whole point of buying this camera was so that it used Ethernet only. Having to use wireless temporarily during setup is understandable. But after that, it should get disabled.

Hi @User32.dll. Do you have Sidewalk Enabled? If so, you may want to disable this feature as this may be what you are detecting. If you still have this concern after that, we can diver deeper into this problem.

Thanks for the suggestion @Tom_Ring . I checked in Control Center and Sidewalk is disabled, so I don’t think it’s that. Any other ideas?

Hi @User32.dll. Thank you for checking that out. Our team would like to take a closer look at this. Can you please send our Social team a private message on Facebook or Twitter, @Ring? You can share the URL from this page in your message, and we’ll be able to give this concern a closer look. Thank you, neighbor.

Thanks Tom. I sent a message on Facebook. For others, I will reply here with the result of the investigation.

Working with the support agent, I was able to verify that this is indeed the case. As soon as a Stick Up Cam Elite (2nd gen) is powered on (via PoE), its 5GHz radio turns on and begins transmitting constantly. Even though the camera has been configured to use Ethernet, and even though the device has no configured credentials to use wifi, its 5Ghz radio remains enabled and transmitting the entire time the device is powered on. The only way to stop it is to cut power to the camera. A bug has been opened for this issue so that the hardware/firmware team can look into it further.

Live View connections do occur through ethernet as expected, but why the 5Ghz radio stays, on and for what purpose, remains to be seen.

Until this issue can be fixed, or explained, I will return my Elite since its advertised Ethernet connectivity doesn’t work the way I expect it to.