What special things to I need to do to make HB-7621-02 chime to work with my Ring Pro video door bell?

Is there anything special I need to do to make Hamilton Beach HB-7621-02 chime to work with my Ring Pro video door bell? I check the compatibility list and the HB-7621-02 shows to work with the ring door bell.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @dangerruss. The Hampton Bay HB-7612-02 digital chime is listed as compatible for the Video Doorbell Pro, so you will just need to follow the installation instructions here and ensure that the Pro Power Kit is properly installed.

I have followed all the instructions to the letter and it’s not ringing the way it should for a mechanical doorbell. I get notification on my phone but on rings once and very week.

@dangerruss The HB-7612-02 is a digital chime, so ensure that you have selected digital Chime Type under In-Home Chime Settings in the Ring app. You can find this option under the Device Settings tile. If you have it selected as mechanical, it will not ring correctly since it is a digital chime.