Ring Video Doorbell

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Video Doorbell Pro Voltage Dropping?
Hello, I installed my DB Pro a little over a week ago. I have no existing doorbell wiring, so I bought the below 26 ft transformer off Amazon. I needed the extra length as the Ring adapter is not long enough. It's a 24 Volt power supply, and I measured it with a multimeter to see that it's supplying the correct voltage, which it is. I'm not having any issues whatsoever with my DB Pro, and experience no symptoms of insufficient power--it's working absolutely perfectly. The 'Doorbell Kit' in the app is correctly set to 'None.' However, when first installed a little over a week ago, my voltage was well above 4,000 mV. The voltage continues to drop by 8 or so mV each day, and I'm currently down to 3,938 mV. Is this normal? Will it reach a certain point, then recharge the internal battery? I'm worried I may eventually experience power issues once this drops low enough, and am trying to proactively address this before I have problems. Thanks much! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DJ7RHS5/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o08\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DJ7RHS5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)




04-10-2019 04:53:18

Responses (5)

Thank you for sharing your experience with the Community @5150Joel ! I'm happy to say this power fluctuation is nothing to be concerned about. The transformer you have there should be more than sufficient to power the Video Doorbell Pro. Power can fluctuate due to many variables such as number of events, number of or duration of live streams, and chime kit differences. You've mentioned not using a chime kit, and selecting the in app chime kit setting as "none" properly. As long as the voltage reading remains above 3700mV, it should operate as intended. Hope this helps!


04-10-2019 10:34:59

Thanks very much for your reply!


04-10-2019 11:07:34

Actually, no it doesn’t help, sorry to say. I’m experiencing the same exact thing. I’m using the 16 volt, 30 amp transformer Ring sent me. It was installed by a professional electrician at my considerable expense. I’ve also set the Pro Power Kit to bypass my doorbell and have installed a Chime Pro. Even after all this time, effort and expense, the voltage drops consistently every day and then the Doorbell Pro goes offline every few days. I have to go out and reset it and then “miraculously” the voltage is back to over 4040 mV. And then, the process starts all over and the product fails again. We have excellent internet service, so please don’t go there; I have an outage log and we’ve had one internet service outage since we’ve had the Doorbell Pro; that was several months ago. The RSSI on both the Chime Pro and Doorbell Pro are rated by Ring as “Good” when I do a health check. The electrician ensured that the voltage was good at the transformer, doorbell service box and Doorbell Pro. The problem is as many others have reported in numerous forums with the entire Ring Doorbell Pro model. Quite frankly, it is a terrible product. At the very least, Ring needs to do a firmware update that resolves this power management problem. You’ve been told about this problem repeatedly and have done nothing about it. On top of that, please note the voltage must be above 3900mV, not 3700mV as you stated.


12-10-2019 01:36:42

[@dsj1958](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1316) Thanks for the info. May I ask, what exactly do you mean by 'reset?' Pull the cover, and hold the button in for 15-30 seconds and truly reset the doorbell? --asking for future reference in case I have to soon do this. Last week, after I posted the orignal post, I ended up moving my router to a better location (unrelated, I know). Point is, my router was turned off for maybe 20 minutes. After powering my network back on, I noticed the mV on my DB Pro shot back up to over 4,000 mV without me touching the doorbell. Right now I'm back down to 3931mV... so far everything is fine, but I'll report back when/if it drops below 3900mV. I too have read about the exact problem you described above on other forums.


12-10-2019 04:37:41

Yes, that is exactly what I did and it doesn’t matter if I just push and release the button or hold it. I’ve had to do it many times. And yes, the same thing happens with me; the voltage goes up to 4045mV or so and then restarts the drop. I’ve even bought a Netgear wifi extender in the hope that it would work better than the Chime Pro to keep the device connected, but to no avail. Once you get somewhere around 3900mV, my experience is that your doorbell will go offline; sometimes it happens much sooner. If you contact Ring, they’ll tell you the problem is with your internet connection or your electrical connection. That’s a lot of nonsense from them. The sad truth is that the Doorbell Pro as a whole is a lemon. I hope you have a better experience with it than I’ve had. Just as you said, a lot of people are reporting the same issue and Ring refuses to acknowledge it, let alone fix it. Unless something drastically changes, once my year of their monitoring is up, I’m probably going to cut my losses and go with a different product from someone like August or Nest.


12-10-2019 05:24:08

How is your voltage now? I upgraded my transformer 5 days ago and the mv was at 4054 but has steadily dropped since then to 4024 Ring Support says that I have nothing to worry about, however I am worring.


13-10-2019 12:05:11

The voltage is now down to 3999mV. It's losing about 10 or 12 mV every day. I expect the device will be offline in the next 3-5 days if the pattern continues as it has since I bought it.


13-10-2019 03:06:28

My voltage is now down to 3925 since yesterday. It continues to drop each day, and despite being told to not worry as well, I am worried I'll have problems. Again, so far so good--the DB Pro continues to work fine...for now. As I wrote in my above post: I found it odd that after my router being offline for 20 or so minutes last Friday the mV on the Pro shot back up to over 4,000 again once I brought my network back up--all without me doing anything at all to the doorbell. If I do end up needing to reset it, I'm thinking I could just unplug mine for a minute and plug it back in since my entire doorbell setup consists of the DB Pro, and an AC adapter. No electronic or mechanical chime, kit--nothing.


13-10-2019 04:15:36

It is happening to me as well although not as fast. I have called support at least 4 times and they all say not to worry. How can I not worry. I am really not satisfied with their answers to this problem. While at the moment my Ring Pro works like a charm, I am beginning to regret buying it. One thing they had me do that might help you but might help you is to disconnect and reconnect the power kit. Thanks for answering. Good Luck!!


13-10-2019 04:37:23

[@Marley\_Ring](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/95) May I please ask you or someone review this info that I just realized? Despite you stating my power supply should be sufficient, could you revisit that assessment after reviewing the below information please? I've realized while my power supply should be sufficeint for V AC, it may NOT be sufficient regarding volt-amps/mA. My DB Pro continues to work fine, but the voltage continues to drop. I'm currently at **3916mV** and I'm concerned it's going to eventually die on me. The power adapter I purchased that I mentioned above supplies 24V AC at **500mA**. This equals out to **12 volt-amps**. [https://www.amazon.com/Transformer-Thermostat-Competible-Versions-Honeywell/dp/B07DJ7RHS5/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=X5NPMB3W6NJ4&keywords=ring+pro+power+supply&qid=1571084841&sprefix=ring+pro+po%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-2](https://www.amazon.com/Transformer-Thermostat-Competible-Versions-Honeywell/dp/B07DJ7RHS5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=X5NPMB3W6NJ4&keywords=ring+pro+power+supply&qid=1571084841&sprefix=ring+pro+po%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-2) The Ring Plug In Adapter supplies 24 V AC at **20 VA** , which equals out to about **880mA**. Per the below page _"Ring Pro requires a power source that supplies a minimum of 16 volts AC at ~20 volt-amps when connected directly to a transformer, plug-in adapter"_ [https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000115323-Troubleshooting-Insufficient-Power-Issues-with-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000115323-Troubleshooting-Insufficient-Power-Issues-with-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro) It looks like I'm 8 VA (or around 380mA) shy of the power that the Ring Plug in Adapter outputs., but I'm higher than the recommended 16 V AC as recommended above. I'm unclear if my power supply is sufficient at this point based on this information. Could you please let me know if I need to purchase the Ring Plug in Adapter? 20ft isn't long enough, but I'll just need to figure out how to make it work. Thank you again.


14-10-2019 08:59:17

Sorry to hear of these concerns @dsj1958 . Take a look at our [help center article for steps you can take to troubleshoot low voltage symptoms with your Ring Pro](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000115323-Troubleshooting-Insufficient-Power-Issues-with-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro). I recommend contacting our support team at 800-656-1918, to take a further look into this for you.


14-10-2019 10:42:47

So I’ve installed the RDP as of Wednesday May 6th 2020, I got it setup and it was working great for about 6 hours, then all of a sudden I got a flashing blue light at the top. So after some sluthing around on the interwebs and reddit I figured it was my transformer. I already had a 16v 30vA transformer installed but it was original to the house in 2002 so I figured I’ll replace it easy enough with another from Home Depot. Quick trip there and back and in about 10 minutes it was wired up. Got out the trusty volt meter and checked directly from the transformer and I’m getting 17.68 ish volts.

I wire up the doorbell wires and go out front, check the voltage to the RDP and 17.59 so all good, still no dice and I have a blue light. Fed up I go to bed and wake up the next morning to a notification of movement at my door and low and behold it’s powered up with a white ring and all is well.

Except one thing, in the devices health check settings, it shows poor voltage and when I tap it to see the amount it’s 0mV :-/ but yet the darn thing is on, connected, sending notifications, allowing live view and everything else with no issues..... I continue to check every so often and still 0mV so I dunno. My electrical engineer father in law wants to take it apart and prove it’s faulty lol but I’m holding off on that for warranty sake. I’m gonna let it run for awhile and keep tabs and if nothing else make Ring warranty it and send me a new one cause something is amiss when it’s working but saying it’s got no power.

I might have been born in a barn and at night but it wasn’t last night... fix yo sh!z ring

Thanks :-)


10-05-2020 08:12:25

I finally gave. I've tried doing everything. Replacing the transformer, replacing the out bell bypass module with a new one. Nothing worked. I just concluded that my old Door Bell Pro was broken and that the Ring extended warranty is just worthless. Despite this I put in a brand new Pro, in the exact same place with the exact same transformer, wiring etc.... nit a single problem for a week. The old one hasn't lasted for more than 2 days before I had to power cycle it. it really makes me think hard abkut my future with Ring. The. Yearly plan was supposed to give you extended warranty support but good luck ever getting anything out of it. I would open tickets and there would never be a response or useless info that would never fix it. I never get to "maybe it's broken, let me send you a new one". I have a Spotlight cam that was broken and never resolve this wya. I am going stop recommending Ring an dlook for something else. Keep using what i hvae until it breaks again... I know it will.


12-05-2020 11:08:51

24v. 30va. Works best


12-07-2021 03:22:16

I have had the same experience. Support grah it until it goes out of warranty then they say take 30%discount code which is practically worthless because you can pick it cheaper.


01-01-2022 05:53:55

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