Video Doorbell Pro 2 Wont Ring Compatible Emerson C8272 Mechanical Chime

Video Doorbell Pro 2 Wont Ring Compatible Emerson C8272 Mechanical Chime even though the chime worked before installation. I confirmed mechanical chime is enabled in Ring In-home Chime Settings. Suggestions please?

I read elsewhere that there cannot be both Alexa notifications and mechanical chime ringing. Please advise.

Hi @user81246. Thank you for sharing this picture, everything looks to be in order here. I suggest changing your In-Home Chime settings, ringing the doorbell, then changing them back. You can also reset your doorbell by pressing and holding the setup button for 20 seconds, then releasing it. Let me know if this is helpful.

I did all of that and more with support. They sent a new unit. Didn’t resolve the issue.

With the RING doorbell disconnected and the house doorbell installed, the mechanical chime won’t work with the Pro Power Kit installed.

Hi @user81246, happy to chime in here. Make sure your transformer meets the following power requirements: 16-24 VAC, 40VA max, 50/60Hz. It’s important for the transformer to provide sufficient power for both the Ring Doorbell and the chime kit, and for the Pro Power Kit to be installed correctly. If this issue persists, I would recommend following back up with our support team, as this concern might need to be escalated since regular troubleshooting has not worked.

The Power Output is Level 2.