Video doorbell 3 skips several Person motion notifications & recordings

Motion detection concerns are usually resolved by taking some time to adjust the settings, as everyone’s home and environment is different so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Motion detection can be turned off within the Modes settings, so check that you do not have it toggled off in a specific Mode.

If you find that some events are not being detected and recorded, I’d recommend reviewing your Motion Zones and Motion Sensitivity. Battery powered Doorbells also have a Motion Frequency option that can be adjusted, though it can impact battery life. Lastly, neighbors with a Ring Protect plan will have access to Smart Alerts to further refine their motion detection. I always suggest testing things out with Smart Alerts enabled and disabled to see which way works better for you.

One more thing to keep in mind is the positioning and angle of your Doorbell. Having it installed at the correct height with a good view of your front porch will provide the best experience. For more in-depth, one-on-one assistance with your Doorbell’s settings, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.