Very useful feature removed from Ring App

Up until a few weeks ago, my wife was able to control our Kwikset door lock, and disarm our alarm using her Ring App. She used a tile on the shortcuts bar for that purpose. Suddenly, that feature went away, without warning.

We found that feature essential, because she could unlock the door from her car before bringing in heavy bags of groceries without having to put them down to work the lock. In fact, it was one of the main reasons why we purchased a $200 kock and the Ring Alarm. Additionally, it’s nice to be able to verify the door is locked after leaving the house, and locking it in case we forgot.

As the “owner” I have that functionality. Why can’t my wife have it as a shared user? That ought to be a privilege I can grant, not some programmer at Ring.

Hi @techietype. It’s possible the shortcut was maybe hidden on accident. Have your wife try following the steps in our Help Center Article here to make the shortcut visible again. Let me know if that does the trick, or if she doesn’t see the option to adjust her shortcuts as outlined in the article I linked.