Varification email not coming through

Hi - I have had an issue with my email account so changed Ring to a temporary one. My original account is now working so I’m trying to change it back. It appears to have accepted my email address and I get the emails to say a device has signed in from Ring but when I ask for it send the verification email to the same address, this isn’t coming through. I’ve tried multiple times and checked spam/junk but nothing. I’ve tried to now register the device with my partners email and as the device is registered to me it says this could take 15 days! I’m worried if they try to email me to confirm I don’t get that either. Any advice? Many thanks

Hi @Rjg1404. The information you need should be in this Help Center article here. If the steps in this Help Center article do not provide a solution for you, you’ll need to reach out to our support team. Our support team information can also be found in the Help Center article I’ve shared.

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