Ring Alarm

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Accepted Solution
Turn off motion notifications when disarmed or home

Just set up the ring alarm system and after reading through some of these threads it doesn’t look like the problem of turning off motion notifications while the alarm is set to Home or Disarmed has been fixed. I can’t understand why this isn’t automatic when the Home/Disarm mode is activated? I don’t want to have to snooze the notifications as seems to be the suggestion from Ring. Will this be fixed and soon??




18-11-2021 05:11:49

Responses (8)

  • C
    Accepted Solution

    Hey neighbors, you can vote on the feature request for the option to control notifications and alerts within Mode Settings below. We utilize the Feature Request board as a way to gather and share your feedback with our teams here, so please do comment and vote on the requests you would like to see. I'll mark this reply as the solution to this post so that other neighbors can easily locate the correct feature request. Thank you. https://community.ring.com/t/option-to-control-alerts-or-notifications-within-modes-settings/6411


    20-09-2022 06:34:46

    • R

      I was just about to ask about the same thing. System is set to Disarmed but every time we walk in the hall the thing goes off.


      19-11-2021 12:40:30

      • M

        There are a few options for controlling motion alerts for your Alarm Motion Detector. In the Ring app you can enable/ disable Chirps, choose Chirp tones, and toggle Motion Alerts on or off. This can be done from the Motion Detector page, via the Ring app Menu > Devices > Alarm > Motion Detector. If you want Chirps enabled for a mode, but not for this particular device, you can choose "none" for Chirp tone option. As I understand your inquiry is for notifications to your mobile device, Motion Alerts toggle and the Alarm Alerts section will help best. To access Alarm Alerts option in the Ring app, open the Menu, visit Settings, and then Alarm Alerts. I hope this helps! :)


        19-11-2021 05:53:11


          The problem is that Ring allows the motion alerts to be manually disabled or on a schedule, but doesn’t allow them to be connected to the modes. There is also the Mode Settings that allow motion detection to be completely disabled, but don’t allow just the alerts to be disabled. It’s quite frustrating because many of Ring’s features seem to be designed in a vacuum so don’t work well together or how real users use the system.


          09-09-2022 01:21:19


          This exactly exact problem brought me here today. I only want to disable the notifications of a person at my door when the alarm is disabled. Eg we have men working in the front all week and I'm getting inundated with notifications of movement. There is a snooze, but it's maximum is 2 hours. Let me disable or enable features based on the alarm mode eg home, away, disarmed.


          09-09-2022 10:13:05


          I agree, this is very frustrating & annoying. When we are walking past our doorbell & floodlight cams we get the announcement repeatedly. When we are working in the yard or washing the car it drives us crazy, so much so that I find myself yelling back in response. I don’t like to disarm the system because there is no reminder that it is off so I end up leaving it unarmed for days at a time!


          19-09-2022 01:53:59


          I don't understand this solution. I only want to turn off notifications for my motion sensor when the Ring is disarmed. I want the other notifications to remain on.


          04-04-2023 02:03:21


          Agree! Very frustrating and a huge lack of the entire system. Sometimes I feel like the developers of Ring don't use the system themselves. It really lacks essential features like this one. 


          02-08-2024 03:35:13

      • J

        Hi neighbors. As we value our neighbors' feedback, we've created a [Feature Request board](https://community.ring.com/c/products/feature-request-board/24). Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place.


        12-09-2022 06:39:55


          You clearly don't value neighbor's feedback because it is January 2025 at the time of writing this, and the problem remains.  It is obvious that this is a feature that EVERYONE wants, so why not add Disarmed Mode settings for sensors so that users, who may have more than one sensor, aren't getting bombarded with useless notifications?!


          03-01-2025 03:45:51


          The disarm feature serves NO purpose, and is 100% useless!!! I disarm my 3 doorbells so I can mow my lawn, but they still record 100 videos while I am mowing, which I have to manually delete!


          14-01-2025 07:00:18

      • S

        Yeah, I've done a ton of research - and this silly little feature, which is a non-stop nuisance, just proves to me that the company management of Ring.com does not even use their own product, or they would know just how annoying this lack of a feature is. The only thing I want to stop, is the push notifications of motion when a camera is on and I am at home or my system is disarmed - I don't want the push notifications and the record function of my security system to be tied together - **that is literally *insane***, and should be common sense. For example. Let's says say I'm home, relaxing on my day off - jeez I hate those notifications of motion all the time even when I'm trying to relax, so I decide to do what Ring recommends - just disable all motion on each camera so that no motion alerts happen, *and no recording video happens anymore*. Now someone breaks into my house, comes in and nearly kills me, robs my stuff - all without a mask on, just some crazy person. Welp! That sucks. The zoom cams I spent all this money on not only didn't catch the motion, but they didn't record anything. Does this not seem like a function that completely nullifies the purpose of having the ring alarm there in the first place? **Ring please fix this asap, you've had people bugging you about this as a major feature missing from your platform for years and there is still no fix - are you listening to your customers at all?**


        19-04-2023 07:55:06


          Right on!! Please Ring Mgmt listen and act on behalf of your customers!


          16-07-2024 12:31:15

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