Ring Alarm
Transfer ownership of whole system
Hi - I'm selling my house and the new owners are keeping the Ring system I have installed. Is it possible to transfer everything to them at once or do I need to remove each individual piece of the system and then they need to add each individual piece?
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04-09-2020 09:12:52
Responses (9)
- U
The method of removing the devices is to push the pin hole on the back or remove the batteries while working in the app. Is that right? I am no longer local to the alarm, but have just sold the house. Can I remove the devices and unregister it remotely?
23-12-2022 08:30:50
CHi @user30918. Yes, that is still the removal process at this time. If you're no longer local to the Ring Alarm system, you can try an alternate method by navigating to Devices > Base Station > tap on the Sensor you want to remove > Device Settings > Advanced Options > Remove Failed Device. This should allow you to remove a Sensor that isn't communicating with the Base Station without needing to handle the Sensor itself. After all the Sensors are removed, the Base Station itself should be removed from your Ring account. If that doesn't work, the new owners may need to factory reset the Sensors in order to set the system up under their Ring account. You can reference steps on how to do that in [this](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000071906-How-to-Factory-Reset-Your-Ring-Alarm-Devices) Help Center article. If you still need help and these steps don't work, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.
23-12-2022 10:04:53
- D
I have a large house with a complex alarm system with over 20 devices Just to be sure I understand this process,. I will need to remove each device individually and then remove the base station? Then the new owner will need to add the base station and add each device individually by going from room to room and scanning QR codes? There is not a way to transfer the entire system as it is currently configured?
01-05-2021 03:11:25
THi @Djvoodoo. The method that you have described is correct. Once all of the devices are removed from the account, the Base Station can be unregistered. This will allow the new owner to register this under their own account.
03-05-2021 09:50:25
- U
Absolutely ridiculous the entire system should easily be able to transfer to a new owner in its entirety fully operational. In todays world the process you describe is antiquated and unacceptable! Redesign your software to allow registration of a new owner then removal of the old owner. A simple account transfer. Nothing you describe is simple or logical and many devices do not easily add and remove.
04-07-2022 05:53:35
- P
@Tom_Ring What a HORRIBLE way to do this. I have a VERY complex system, since I'm a former Ring Beta tester. I sold my Ring system with my home. I feel like it's a bait and switch for the new homeowner to now have to go back in and set up the system again from scratch. That's just awful. There should be a way to transfer the system to a new homeowner. Make it as secure as you want to make it, but make it an option!
10-07-2022 02:16:30
- U
It's even more insane with multiple locations. Something needs to be done about this .
21-08-2022 08:25:35
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We're glad you asked, @seanr83! The best way to transfer an Alarm to another person, is indeed to remove and unregister the Alarm devices. To start, please remove each Alarm device from the Base Station first. This [help center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042653651-Troubleshooting-your-Ring-Alarm-Motion-Detector-1st-generation-) will help and, although it is titled for the Motion Detector, it will contain similar steps necessary for removing all of the Alarm devices. Once you are left with nothing but the Base Station in the Ring app, please unregister that Base Station. This [help center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045772212-How-to-replace-your-Ring-Alarm-Base-Station) has instructions on how to do so. While it will likely not be necessary, it is good to keep our [Change of Ownership process](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025997592-Ownership-of-a-Ring-Device) in mind, in case the new owners still need to gain access for any reason. After completing the steps above, the Alarm should allow the new owners to set it up quickly and easily in their Ring app. If they run into any concerns with setting up any of the sensors, they can try [factory resetting](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000071906-How-to-Factory-Reset-Your-Ring-Alarm-Devices) the sensors. I hope this helps! :)
04-09-2020 05:08:31