Starlink - Ring 2nd Generation Cameras

We have just changed ISP to Starlink.

It seems my 2nd Generation Video doorbell works on the network however, none of the 2nd generation cameras are able to connect. The video doorbell was purchased within the last 3 months.

Has anyone else had this issue?

The cameras can see the WIFI, but just fail to connect. In typical fashion it doesn’t give you any error code, it just says “it failed”.

The settings on the Starlink are minimal and have tried splitting WIFI to 2.4 and 5 and also changed DNS but still no luck.

Ring have told me they have no idea and it must be starlink.

Any help would be appreciated.

@user63770 How much further are the cameras from the router than the doorbell? I am wondering if the starlink router just isn’t as good or broadcasting the signal as far.

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The doorbell works seamlessly and I have tried setting up the camera just next to the doorbell to see if distance was an error and it still doesn’t connect.

I have 5 cameras and they all fail in the same manner.
Weirdly the doorbell is ammune.

I have the same issue. I can’t get any of my Ring devices to connect to the Starlink network or the Eero network I installed via the Starlink cable adaptor. I can’t get the Ring Chime Pro devices to connect either. Super frustrating as I have a new build with 6 wired Ring Pro spotlight cams and NONE of them will work. Anyone fix this?

Ensure your Ring app is fully updated to the latest version available, and make sure your Ring devices are within range of your router. If you’re running into issues during the setup process in the Ring app, then try the various troubleshooting steps listed here. Check that the ports and protocols used by Ring devices are open on your router, and change the wifi channels if needed. Should none of these troubleshooting options work, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.