SPAMS After Power Outage

Whenever there’s a slight power outage, Ring starts spamming me with alerts and emails. Anyone else see this?

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Hi there, @osnapo! This is certainly odd to see, as the Alarm should only let you know when power is actually being lost and restored. As you mentioned this happening during brief or slight power outages, if you physically unplug the Base Station does this occur?

Please also check that the outlet used is not loose, nor is the plug in the outlet. If there is a switch that controls the plug outlet in use, try another outlet. This should rule out most power related variables. Next, I recommend visiting the Ring app, opening the menu, tapping on “Settings”, and checking out your Alarm Alerts options. Here you can control and fine tune what alerts you. I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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I have this happen twice in the past 3 - 4 months. After a slight power outage I received over 2500 e-mail messages telling me the power had been restored.

Hi @MBearden. Does this happen if you physically unplug the Base Station and then plug it back in? Or does this only happen during a power outage? As Marley mentioned, please check that the outlet the Base Station is plugged into is not loose and that the plug is firmly seated in the outlet. If there’s a switch that controls the outlet in use, try a different outlet if possible.

This is STILL an ISSUE 2 years later. It doesn’t happen every time the power drops. Like today, it just started doing it out of the blue. If I am not home, ill get 1000’s of emails of battery backup / power restored. The way I stop it is by unplugging it, and plugging it back in. I could hear it chime as if the power is being lost and restored over and over again.

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Hi @osnapo. For this concern, I would suggest reaching out to our support team directly. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.