
Ring Security Cameras

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Siren sounds automatically

In Ring Stick Up Cam Battery: why can't i set the siren to sound automatically with motion detection? :man_shrugging:




29-07-2021 05:42:08

Responses (13)

  • C

    Hi neighbors! You cannot have the siren on your Cameras sound automatically when motion is detected. If you have a Ring Alarm system, you can use the [Linked Devices](https://community.ring.com/t/alarm-feature-update-linked-devices-camera-siren/25922) feature to link your Cameras to your Ring Alarm so that the sirens will be triggered when the alarm is triggered. Feel free to also add your feedback and vote to the feature request about having the siren on your Camera sound automatically with motion detection. We utilize the Feature Request board to gather and share your feedback with our teams here. :) https://community.ring.com/t/siren-activated-automatically-when-motion-detected/6279


    27-07-2022 07:27:49

    • K

      It makes sense to be able to set the siren to go off at night when triggered, once everybody is home. Last night my sons car was broken into on our driveway, the ring camera was nice enough to light the area up for them but didn’t deter them. Had a siren gone off 1) they would have run and 2) we would have been alerted to something happening! I have my phone on the “sleep” setting so didn’t get the alert, just got to watch the video of it happening this morning. Maybe this is something that can be updated!


      19-11-2022 06:17:21


        Hi @Kcarvajal. Did you have Motion Warning turned on? This feature lets people know that they are being recorded and is a great deterrent. You can learn more about this feature [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048674751-Motion-Warning-Information).


        21-11-2022 07:27:17


        Need to bump this topic again. I too had a car theft in my driveway WITH the camera warning notifications turned on. The theft was at 230am and I recorded the event but the criminal simply ignored the warning. I want the alarm to go off automatically and wake us up and the neighborhood in this case. We need to have this feature activated so we can schedule the alarm automatically by start/end time. The notifications to the phone will not wake me up. I want the alarm to go off. How can we make this happen?


        01-12-2022 09:42:09

    • C

      Hi @FoCo_Family_Guy. I'm sorry to hear about what happened. However, this is not a feature at this time. If the siren were to go off every time motion was detected, it would cause a large amount of 'false alarms' essentially, as the siren would go off every time someone walks by the Camera and triggers the motion detection. You're welcome to add your feedback to the feature request listed in the marked solution.


      02-12-2022 08:16:55

      • U

        Yes but don’t you think that’s our choice to make? Why are you deciding how we secure our boundries?


        22-12-2022 11:57:08

        • H

          It’s quite ridiculous for Ring to decide how their customers use their products, considering all of the variables around each customer’s individual situation, and local laws in different countries in which Ring products are sold. Some of the comments in this thread are so narrow minded, stating that a siren can’t be triggered by motion because it would be going off all the time. That would certainly not be the case in my situation, where I use a Ring cam with a siren which sits on a shelf in my locked garage. In this instance, I would want to set a schedule for this particular camera where the siren is “armed” between the hours of midnight to 6am. If any movement were to be detected in the garage within that period, it would most likely be because someone has broken in to the garage and is stealing my bikes. Playing them a message to let them know that they are being recorded is only going to encourage them to pull the power lead out the back of the camera, so ’Motion Warning’ feature is absolutely useless, and would actually assist the criminal to avoid further detection. As it stands, I’ll wake up the next morning to watch some recorded footage of my bikes leaving my garage instead. In this instance, the product would have completely failed to fulfil its purpose, which is to provide security to my property and home, when it could have acted as a very useful deterrent and prevented crime. So, in a nutshell, everyone’s situation is different and Ring need to acknowledge that their devices are used differently across their customer base. If a customer sets their device up so the alarm is constantly going off, the natural process of neighbours complaining to local authorities etc will eventually take its course. That is not something the manufacturer needs to enforce. It would be like Sonos not allowing their customers to set an alarm on their products at the risk of someone playing Metallica to the neighbourhood on a set of outdoor speakers at 4am. Sure, that *might* happen, but it would be dealt with appropriately via other channels. **Ring: please stop treating your customers like children, and give us some control and discretion as to how we configure our devices.**


          29-01-2023 03:47:08


            Totally Agree! Give us MOTION ACTIVATED SIREN SETTINGS!!!!!!! May be time to switch to another cam company......?


            10-02-2023 01:58:28

        Didn't find an answer ?

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