Search Engine an Absolute Necessity

All that’s missing to bring this product on par with other wired camera systems is a search engine. The search engine should allow the end user to select the days, date and time such as ( 12PM 11/8/2020 to 12PM 11/9/202 ) you wanted to review. Once these video links are gathered there needs to be a button labeled (download) at which time all video’s ring links of every events that took place within this search criteria, no matter how many, are compiled into a folder. The program should then allow you to e-mail this folder as a ( package and transfer ) to law enforcement for review and safe keeping. I’ve had a few occasions already where an officer has showed up at my door asking if I saw a particular style, color, make and model vehicle pass by.

I don’t use any battery power camera’s, I do record 24-7-365 and I give the video ring link directly to the PD for them to review and download. If I stitch several camera’s videos together to create large files I use to get the link directly to the officers laptop. Have done this about 288 times to date. I did give the PD access to at least three of my cameras. It’s a shame RING doesn’t have an e-mail we can send ideas to directly like and have real people read them and pass them along.