Ring Security Cameras

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RSSI jumping/poor connection
I have a spotlight cam pro and a floodlight. Both connect to my wireless mesh outdoor satellite which has direct line of site to both within 10m. My mesh app shows the connection as very strong to both devices. The floodlight works pretty flawlessly with an RSSI of about -35. The spotlight cam however is a different ballgame….. RSSI shows around -50, but then will suddenly jump to -95 and show a weak connection. It will then just as quickly change back to -50. Oddly though even when showing a weak connection live video will load quickly and in good quality, and motion tends to still record. Also seems like sometimes doing a live view forces the connection to strengthen again. Have played around with router settings and have created a dedicated 2.4ghz network just for the Ring devices. Any ideas as to what is going on or how to resolve?




15-08-2023 05:13:09

Responses (17)

Hi @Rossy1000. It sounds like there is something potentially causing interference with the Spotlight Cam, which is what would cause the signal strength to fluctuate like that. Do you ever experience any performance issues with the Spotlight Cam itself? Does the change in the RSSI prevent you from opening the Live View, or cause video quality concerns?


17-08-2023 05:30:54

Hi @Caitlyn_Ring Performance seems to always be fine at least so far as I have noticed. As I mentioned before, when it does change to weak signal, simply starting a live view seems to then solve - which is why I’m not so sure is interference related. Almost seems like the camera is reducing its signal power and then when going live increases again. Thanks


18-08-2023 09:03:13

Hi @Rossy1000. I'm happy to chime in. It could be that your mesh network system is switching which pod is sending its signal to your Camera, which could be one further away. I would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer of your mesh system to see if there are any settings you can change to stop this from happening. If this is not the case, then reach out to our [support team](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406#store-opening-hours) to further investigate.


21-08-2023 10:23:51

Thanks @Justin_Ring I already have the mesh system set to force connect the cameras to a specific node as well as disabling the roaming for these devices.


22-08-2023 05:08:22

@Rossy1000. This has been brought to my team's attention. What has been discovered is that the high jump in RSSI to -95 is a reporting error and does not effect the performance of your device. Our team is working to resolve the issue as soon as possible; in the meantime, you can ignore the high RSSI number. Once we have an update regarding this concern, we will make sure to post it here. I will mark this as a temporary solution so others can easily find this information if they have the same concern. Thank you for your time and patience.


23-08-2023 07:12:01

Thanks @Justin_Ring Hopefully this can be resolved soon. Please keep me updated. Let me know if any further info or investigation is needed to help with the resolution.


24-08-2023 07:31:27

@Rossy1000, this was your reply back in August. It is now mid-December. How long should customers expect wait for a solution? I have also made a post about this a few weeks ago. As an IOT firmware author myself, I have found and fixed the problem with your cameras, but this only works on a router made by myself. The solution in your firmware would be simple and I'll be super happy to describe it to you if you contact me. In fact I described the solution step by step in my other post. Simple fix. Just a few lines of code. Please get to work on this. At the very least it's causing confusion on the part of your customers and support phone calls and emails into your company.


11-12-2023 04:55:17

Hi all, I purchased two Spotlight Cam Pro's a week apart. Neither is far from the router and both show an RSSI of between 54 and 59. My router also marks the signal connection to both as "Strong". However, when I connect Solar Panels to them, they will both at random times throughout the day report a weak signal which is consistently at RSSI-95. At the same time, the router still shows them as maintaining a "Strong" connection. Also, when they are displaying this very low connection strength they still function perfectly normally. I can detect no change in their functional capabilities nor in their performance. Between the router showing a "Strong" connection and there being no perceived difference in performance /function, I tend to think this is more likely to be a firmware bug. Only occurs with the solar panels connected. Disconnect them and there is no issue. Was wondering if anyone else had noticed this happening with theirs?


22-09-2023 08:18:02

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23-09-2023 07:31:42

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