Ring Video Doorbell Elite and Honeywell DW915S problems

Just installed a Ring Video Doorbell Elite over POE and it works great. However, have tried to connect existing digital chime (Honeywell D915S which is in the compatible device list) and cannot make it work. Does someone have wiring scheme? the one with the unit manual seems to be wrong

Hi @user81155. You can find a digital copy of this diagram here. Let me know if this helps!

Hi, have tried this diagram as it is in the manual and others on the internet. none works. Regrading diagram in manual do you have any indication of which pin on the DW915 s corresponds to which in the diagram?

Hi @user81155, happy to chime in here. I double-checked the Ring Elite Chime Kit Compatibility list and verified that the Honeywell DW915S is actually not compatible with the Ring Elite. I’ll attach a screenshot from the article below as well. Apologies for any confusion or miscommunication.


Interesting, because in the list at https://support.help.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003143926-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Elite-Chime-Kit-Compatibility that I looked in it is stated compatible?
This is very confusing to say the least and the reason why I decide on the Ring Elite in the first place.

@user81155 Thanks for sharing that, I’ve notified the appropriate team of this discrepancy in the articles. The Honeywell DW915S is not a compatible digital chime kit though, which is why you haven’t been able to get it to work.

I purchased the Video Elitedoorbell based on this, ie that DW915S would work. as it is clearly stated on the website…so what do i do now? will ring absorb cost for new chime that works?

@user81155 I understand, and I apologize that there was incorrect information listed in that article. Your options here would be to purchase a different compatible chime kit, or refer to the return policy if you decide that the Ring Elite is not the right fit.

The doorbell is installed with all that this means, installer cost, hole in the wall, lan cable.etc, etc and the best you can do is tell me that Ring will take no responsibility for misleading the customer?