Ring Video Doorbell 3 Plus + Broan-NuTone LA600WH

Having issues getting this combination working (despite the LA600WH being on the compatability list for this doorbell)…

  • Without the LA600WH, the doorbell works (reports running hardwired)
  • Without the Ring Video Doorbell 3 Plus, the chime appears to work (powers up)
  • With both, neither works (Ring reports running on battery, chime doesn’t power on)

Thought the transformer may not have been up to par (16V 10VA), so upgraded (16V 30VA), but no difference what-so-ever. Anyone get this combo to work and/or have any suggestions?


  • Despite showing as hardwired, it also doesn’t appear to be charging the battery at all
  • Additionally, trying to complete the “Chime Connection” step always results in “Something went wrong”

Hi @danhood. For this, I would recommend contacting our support team directly so they can investigate the issue further. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. They’ll be able to take a closer look at the wiring to help determine the cause of the issue. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support. :slight_smile:

Did you ever get this working? Having the same problem

Hi @user57459. When hardwiring the Video Doorbell 3 Plus to an existing doorbell circuit, the transformer must be 8 to 24 VAC, 50/60Hz, 5VA to 40VA. If it’s not, it may not provide sufficient power for both the Doorbell and the chime kit. Additionally, ensure there are no frayed wires, and that the wires are securely installed at the back of the Doorbell. If this issue persists, it would be best to contact our support team for more in-depth troubleshooting assistance.

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