Ring stickup cam 3rd gen won’t show “device health” info. Please health

Same issue on our ring battery cam- no device health

Thank you for this information, neighbors. For now, I have accepted this response as a solution. While we are aware of this concern and as the team continues to investigate, this is a helpful way for other neighbors that come into this thread to know we are aware of the concern. We appreciate your patience and will continue to update this thread with more information. Thank you.

I am using the iPhone 11

iPhone 12 Pro Max
Latest ring app version (or that’s what it tells me)
Brand new 3rd Gen stick up cam x3

Was showing device health screen fine until I recharged the battery to full charge, reloaded battery now blank device health screen on all 3 cams

Same problem here, iPhone 11 Pro


Thanks for update and quick reply, its work for me really helpful information here.

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