Ring ring ring

Is there a way to make the ring keep “ringing” the audio ring on your phone or your video monitoring device (echo for example), until you choose to turn it off? Or perhaps ring at least 3 times? Mine only rings once and then regardless of if the “doorbell” is pressed it again, it does not ring again a second or third time?

Hi @snakeyz76. When the Doorbell is pressed, it begins recording that event so it will not sound again if the Doorbell is pressed right after. It will only trigger a new event once the first event has finished recording. Additionally, there is not currently an option to have the alert ring multiple times for one event on your phone or tablet. As we value our neighbors’ feedback, we’ve created a Feature Request board. Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. Feel free to link that post you make in the Feature Request board here so other neighbors that come to this thread can easily find your feature!