
Ring Video Doorbell

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Ring offline won’t connect

My ring doorbell camera keeps saying it’s offline and isn’t able to connect. Just shows the wifi icon in red and slash through it. My boyfriend and I both updated our apps and the system hasn’t worked the same since. We have been having issues with our neighbors taking our mail and packages so we really need our doorbell camera to work right now.




09-09-2021 09:07:21

Responses (5)

  • M

    Sorry to hear about this, @lbarth3! Whenever a Ring device offline, the best first step is to attempt a live view to see if it will connect. This will confirm that it is offline and not attempting to connect. Next, please check power variables such as battery charge for battery-powered devices, and wiring for externally powered Ring devices. Once you've confirmed your wifi and power resources are sufficient, please bring the Video Doorbell inside near your router. Next, please reconnect your Ring device by following the steps in this [help center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034825092-How-to-Reconnect-Your-Ring-Device-to-Wifi-or-Change-Your-Wifi-Network). Feel free to let us know how this goes! :)


    10-09-2021 03:33:41

    • U

      My ring cameras and doorbell have been offline now for 3 days. This is a weekly thing. Why do I pay so much for service and all this equipment for it not to work? My WiFi is working great. Have the fastest internet available. And still. Help !!!!


      25-05-2022 12:07:25


        HI @user12474. There could be various different reasons why your Ring devices are offline and not reconnecting to your wifi network. I'd recommend checking the [RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229#M4) for each of your Ring devices to see if this is indicating a connection problem. If your RSSI is on the higher side, this could explain why your devices are disconnecting from wifi. In that case, I'd recommend reviewing some of our wifi troubleshooting tips in our Help Center Article [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020044511-How-to-Make-Wifi-Work-For-You). I hope this helps! :)


        25-05-2022 07:50:48

    • U

      I’am having the same issue. More offline then connected. The RSSI is always in the green but is always offline. I reset cams and they work for a day or two and back offline. I already have the fastest internet and checked download and upload speed along with ping and we’ll above range. Why does this always happen? Why am I paying for a years worth of service and my cameras never work? What is the point of paying a yearly fee to look at video if the cams won’t connect. Please help anyone


      04-06-2022 05:00:19

      • U

        Also I already use the ring chime pro and it still happens. Don’t lose internet or connectivity anywhere else in house on TVs. Laptops. Cell phones. Just ring cameras. Which is weird. I think it’s on your end that this always happens


        04-06-2022 05:05:15


          I posted this on another thread yesterday: https://community.ring.com/t/ring-doorbell-shows-offline-but-still-records-video-and-sends-alerts/79459/3 and as you indicate, it only affects Ring. I’m highlighting it here in the hope that Ring read and understand it’s not just Wi-Fi so it’s not particularly helpful when Ring point users down the ‘check your Wi-Fi’ route. One of my Power over Ethernet (PoE) Stick up Cam Elite is connected via Ethernet, not Wi-Fi and it occasionally has the ‘offline’ symbol.


          04-06-2022 01:55:19

      • T

        Hey neighbors. Often times, when a device is showing "Offline" but is recording and has a good RSSI, there is an issue with network settings. There may be a firewall or other security settings that is causing the issue. A good way to test this is to connect your device to a WiFi hotspot and then look at how it reflects in the Ring app. Let me know if this is the case for you!


        06-06-2022 11:34:37

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