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Ring Live View Not Working or Connecting Ring Troubleshooting Tips

If your Ring Live View is not working try the following troubleshooting tips before contact support for further help. The steps below might help if you’re experiencing Ring doorbell issues or Ring security camera issues such as delays and longer than expected wait times for your Live View to load, or your Live View is stuck in **Activating Device**, here are a few Ring troubleshooting tips that may help you pinpoint why this is occurring. The tips below can also help if you are experiencing delayed notifications. All tips are for both Android and Apple smartphones.- Device RSSICheck the RSSI for your device in the Device Health section of the Ring app. If it is -40 or worse this means there is likely an interference between your device and router. To get a stronger wifi signal to your device you may want to consider what interferences may be occurring that could be causing these Ring Doorbell issues, check out this Community article for a Ring RSSI explanation.- Slow WifiIf you have a lot of devices using your home wifi, it may slow down your smartphone's connection to Live View. This is also true when your phone is connected to public wifi options that may have slow internet speeds.* **Test It:** The best way to check this is by turning off wifi on your smartphone and trying to pull up Live View using cellular data as a test.- Wifi OfflineEnsure internet is working by checking your router to make sure it has not gone offline. Also, check with your internet service provider that there are no local internet connection outages that could be making your internet unreliable or slow. You will not be able to see your security camera or doorbell Live View without wifi.* **Tip:** Try rebooting your router will help to clear up any network conflicts or inefficiencies. Restarting your router regularly is a good preventative maintenance step.- Data PlanEveryone has a different plan for their phones. It depends on how the data plan coverage of your cellular provider is in the area you are at as to how fast your phone will connect.- Apps on PhoneIf you have a lot of apps on and running in the background, this can cause other apps to slow down, including the Ring app which can lead to Ring Doorbell issues with Live View as well.-  VPNIf you are connected to a VPN for work on your phone, this can slow down most apps.- BluetoothHaving Bluetooth on and connected to a device or even on and searching for devices can slow down apps.- 3rd party security apps AKA: sweeper, booster, cleaner, or optimizer apps* These type of apps are usually constantly running and crawling your phone which can slow any app including the Ring app.- Cluttered Location Most people experience a cluttered cell data location at their offices or an event. This occurs when there are too many people in one location trying to use data on their phones.* Example: When you’re at a concert and everyone is trying to post to social media it may not happen until you leave that location.- Dead Zone These locations are completely dependent on your cellular provider. They occur when you are in a location far from their towers and are unable to receive data to your phone. Any app that uses data in these locations will not work until you move out of the zone or connect to wifi which could lead to your Live View not working in these areas.- Other Helpful and Informative Links* Ring App support- Learn more about the Ring app in the Ring Help Center section.* Ring App Not Connecting- this Ring Help Center article has helpful tips for when your app will not connect.If you have continued questions after trying these Ring troubleshooting steps to help please post them in the Ring App Community category.




18-06-2019 11:59:21

Responses (2)

  • U

    please use bullets or numbering or paragraph or line breaks to make this information more readable.  run-on paragraphs obfuscate info.  thx...


    17-09-2024 02:21:43

    • U

      Its NOT our wifi, our neighbors, or our phone, or Bluetooth. Its your device.  We can view the live video for a few minutes, then you block it or somthing???????  It refuses the connection?  How can I just connect to the camera locally and stream the video and not use your useless app or web page???????????


      07-02-2025 12:21:33


        Hi @user_608eb0. Please create your own post in the appropriate category, and be sure to include which Ring device you have. If you have any screenshots or videos that help demonstrate what you're seeing on your end, such as error messages from the Ring app, feel free to include those. We're happy to help once we have more information.


        08-02-2025 12:36:59

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