Ring Video Doorbell

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Ring doorbell showing black recording

As of today I noticed that if I click view once my doorbell goes off, and i mean i click it immedietely when it goes off, that it just keeps saying connecting to doorbell and i get impatient with it and just close it. But when I go back to view the recorded video it just shows a black screen. Now if I get a motion detection and I give it awhile before clicking I am able to view live view just fine and go back and am able to see that recording but at that point when I go live whatever set it off is already gone. ![ring.jpg|1305x862](upload://s7eaT5X6zDXSgLJK1HULx4m0ZJB.jpeg)




30-10-2019 08:06:46

Responses (20)

  • I

    My Ring Pro doorbell also has a black screen when I view Event History. The small Camera view is visable, but when I open the Event History, the screen is black. The doorbell is wired, so no dead battery issues. Out of 9 "events" only one was visable. And I even rang the doorbell, and that was also a black screen..I'm almost wondering why I spent the money on "security"..


    03-11-2019 12:10:52


      Mine is doing the same thing. How did you resolve this issue? Thanks


      03-03-2020 01:33:20


      I've been having the same issue since 2/28/2020 9:50 PM My network settings have not changed.


      05-03-2020 01:40:05


      Same problem here, for the last week. Live view works fine, as does voice communications, but all recorded videos show up as a black screen.


      05-03-2020 11:34:51


      It seems like my black recordings run for a few days, then everything works for like it was intended to work. I live about 100 miles East of the Ring headquarters (Santa Monica CA)..so there isn't a weather problem effecting my issue. There was a solution posted for this issue..which in my mind you have to be an IT person to understand..but doesn't answer the problem as to why the videos are visable one day and not the next... and folks all over the country are experiencing the same thing...


      06-03-2020 01:23:26


      I followed all of the suggestions with changing router etc. No good Finally I realized I have the battery. I charged the battery, problem solved.


      17-10-2020 05:25:46

  • K

    My Ring doorbell just started this as well, 11/2/19 ~ 930AM... I haven't changed anything in my router or home wifi. I've reset everything with no changes.


    04-11-2019 11:28:36


      If the black or blank videos are persisting, I recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the app to ensure it is integrated optimally with your mobile device and updated. Remember also to check the Device Health to ensure your RSSI (signal strength) is strong. Check out our [Community post](https://community.ring.com/t5/General-Questions/Your-Ring-Device-RSSI-Good-vs-Poor/m-p/751) for tips on a good RSSI. If these concerns continue, please contact our support team, at 800-656-1918, for more in depth troubleshooting.


      06-11-2019 06:04:33


      Thanks. I tried multiple things. Then I tried the online chat assistance and their suggestions. I called RSA tech support and worked with them. Nothing. The unit had to be replaced.


      06-11-2019 06:12:32


      Also reported here: [https://community.ring.com/t5/Video-Doorbells/Black-Video-Recordings-Ring-2/td-p/4454](https://community.ring.com/t5/Video-Doorbells/Black-Video-Recordings-Ring-2/td-p/4454) I just got another one on my Ring Pro, same circumstances: 40 seconds of black video. This is not an app playback issue -- I see the same thing on desktop from the Ring web site -- so reinstalling the app is unlikely to matter. This is not missing video, or video that stopped part way through; this is 40 seconds of black, every time. Device Health shows RSSI -55, which is in the "sufficient" range (-65 to -41). Speed test holding my phone next to the doorbell shows 26.74 / 10.28 / 30ms.


      07-11-2019 12:36:51


      Now it's the third day in a row of black screens on my phone and on the Ring.com website. I have uninstalled and re-installed the Ring phone app several times. My phone/modem/doorbell are within 3 feet of each other.. My Ring had 15 Motion alerts and only 2 have a view of what was going on in my front yard... I had my security company hardwire install.. So I don't think your solution is working for me..


      08-11-2019 12:52:24


      Try charging the battery


      17-10-2020 05:26:24

  • M

    Hi, if you have a PRO and you are getting Black records all the time it's because there is an issue with the unit setting up a connection to the Ring cloud after the button push. It can be a connectivity issue, but its worth checking if when you push the button the Ring light goes out...? If it does this indicates a power issue, and potentially an problem with the small internal battery or capacitor circuit inside the Ring PRO. The light going out indicates a power issue, where there is either not enough power being supplied or the battery is dying - hence the negotiated connection to the cloud Is black.


    08-11-2019 12:32:06


      FWIW, I downloaded a successful 20-second video, and compared it to a 40-second black video in VLC (Tools \> Codec information, Codec tab). - The good 20-second video was 7.5MB, 1920x1080@15fps, with an audio track. - The black 40-second video was 35KB, 1280x720@25fps, with no audio track. So it's actually using different codec parameters. Button shows the animated blue circle after a button push.


      08-11-2019 05:49:15


      It seems this is a relatively recent concern for several users. I just experienced this for the first time @ 7:22 am EST 11/12/2019 - nested between motion capture video that displayed just fine. There is NOT a problem with my router - and the app seems ok - in a browser on the desktop one can observe the same problem. We can hope that Ring resolves the issue quickly.


      12-11-2019 08:30:33


      Follow up on my black recordings... I called my Internet provider, (just to see if it was an Internet issue before my Security provider came)..Internet showed the Ring was connected and "working". The black recordings are still happening..and I even walked in front on my doorbell..and still a black screen. I also rang my doorbell and the ring didn't even register. I am going to request a new Ring II doorbell be installed..and I will follow-up with this thread to let you know how it goes/went...


      13-11-2019 03:19:52


      Just to be clear, this is 100% a Ring bug. The only question is whether it's being exacerbated by network issues. Uploading a 35KB 25fps 720p video with 40 seconds of nothing but Ring logos on a black background is a bug; sending them to customers from the server is a bug. If the device failed to capture a video, the server should say that it failed to capture a video, not show a bad video and leave everyone guessing. FWIW, I also posted here, with roughly the same results: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ring/comments/dt2chf/40second\_black\_videos\_from\_doorbells/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ring/comments/dt2chf/40second_black_videos_from_doorbells/)


      13-11-2019 04:18:25


      fadden...Thanks for pointing out that it's a Ring Bug issue...today 9 motion alerts and everyone came in crystal clear!! Imagine that!! However..my missed/black recordings run the gamut..I get error messages that there was an error with recording. Also I have noticed that when I view the motion recording with the full screen (cell phone)..if the 2 arrows on the side of the 2 bars are not white..I get a black recording, the bar is moving to the 40 second mark..if the arrows and bar are white, the video displays..I think I'll get a dog..they seem to be more reliable..


      14-11-2019 01:32:13

  • S

    I'm having the same issue... 40 second black videos. It's been going on for a while now and I'm finally fed up. I'll even get rings that I cant answer, so I know the doorbell is connected to the router. Connection is good, router is only 9ft away from my front door, device tests fine, RSSI is -50, firmare up to date, and system staus is all operational... Cancelled my subscription today, and got my refund processed. Can't see paying for something that doesn't work.... Guess I'll try the Nest, or the August and see how they work.


    16-01-2020 12:10:32


      I'm having the same issue with 1 of my 2 Ring spotlight cams. I haven't had a motion record an actual video in 3 days. I have over 20 motion alerts with 40 seconds of black "recording", but yet during that same period of time I have not had a single issue with the other camera which is farther away from the router. When I try to connect to view the live camera feed it tries to load for several minutes before timing out with an error message. I have tried replacing the batteries in order to trigger a system reset twice and it still has not worked. Has anyone had any success resolving this besides through buying a new device?


      16-01-2020 08:27:18


      Same problem just started happening with mine, and playback from all my cameras is affected. Live view works fine. They've been promoting us to use new video features lately. I wonder if they've messed up their encoding and video playback. Better fix it fast, or I'm throwing it out. I need a reliable system. This is useless if it's not providing basic functionality,


      18-01-2020 10:38:49


      This has been happening to mine for a couple weeks now. Worked flawlessly until this point. All videos saved to cloud are black. Still not fixed.


      23-01-2020 03:44:55


      Hey neighbors! If you've tried what has been recommended in the thread and you are still experiencing this concern with black videos, it would be best to reach out to our support team [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372-Get-in-Touch). They can do in-depth troubleshooting with your device(s) that may be experiencing this to help you rest easy. Feel free to update this thread with what support was able to do for you to fix this, as it may help other neighbors!


      24-01-2020 05:50:29


      I also have this issue since 2 weeks now. Live works, when you play the live recording it does work but when restarting the app or playing motion event. A black screen with the ring logo. Seems like more and more people have this issue, maybe due to a new firmware version?


      21-02-2020 10:56:32

  • J

    My Ring Doorbell Pro detects motion well and live view works well, but all recordings in the event history show a black screen. So if I try to go back and look at any event history, they are all black screens, but it i look at live view, I have a perfect view. My two Ring floodlight cameras are working fine. No issues. Just the Ring Doorbell Pro.


    26-02-2020 04:03:03


      Experiencing the same issue - when Live View fails to load (closes by itself in about 10 seconds) I get a 40 second black recording. Ring Doorbell 2 showing -48 RSSI and no issues. Taking the battery out to soft reset hasn’t worked, I updated my Ring app.. uninstalled, reinstalled. I also did a hard reset. Same issue. Oddly, I have two Floodlight Cams at another property that load every single time. Both properties have the SAME high end Orbi router setup with multiple satellite range extenders. I got this to replace a Blink XT (which by the way works at the corner of our property) and the Blink detects motion faster and more consistently, live view hasn’t failed me once in the last two years and it was far cheaper with free cloud storage. Don’t think I’ll be keeping this doorbell :(


      26-02-2020 11:53:02


      We unplugged our router for 10-15 seconds, plugged it back in, waited for the WI-FI to come back online, and then I went outside and hit the button on the Ring doorbell that tells you (on your phone) "Someone is at your door" It started to record me like normal again. No need to contact Ring Support or buy a new device. It just needed a jump start.


      24-03-2021 01:34:33

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