Ring doorbell pro 2 sometimes no Ring alert but only motion recorderd


I was wondering if there was any update on this issue.

I purchased a Ring Video Doorbell Pro 2 at the end of November, and unlike my Pro 1, it doesn’t chime 50% of the time. Instead, if you view the timeline history, it only shows “Motion” when you can clearly see the person pressing the doorbell and hearing it chime away in the recording.

I’ve spoken to Ring level 2 support twice, and they’ve just taken my details and told me that it is a known issue with the Pro 2, but they have no troubleshooting to offer. Instead, it’s a backend problem, such as firmware which should be corrected behind the scenes, and I will receive an email once it has been resolved. They can’t even offer me a replacement device because this problem affects every model built.

But this is almost the end of month three of an intermittent doorbell which is causing me to miss packages. With multiple users now experiencing this problem all over the internet, including here on Ring forums, it makes me wonder why Ring is selling this device without warning users of the issue first.

Could you comment on this?