Ring doorbell not recording motion
Hi, I just bought my ring doorbell August last year. It was working alright for the first month but then it just stopped recording all of a sudden and the doorbell won’t even ring even after you pressed the button so I went back to the store where I bought and they replaced it with a new one. The doorbell part works now however, the motion recording still doesn’t function how it used to be. The doorbell would send me notifications like 5 times within a matter of seconds but when I try and view it, it won’t show me anything. And when I view the history, it’s not even recorded there even though I received notifications that there was a motion. I can still do live view but not see any recordings. I’ve tried restarting it a lot of times and nothing seems to work. I’ve tested the wifi connection and it says it has good connection. I don’t know what else to do. 
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16-02-2020 08:47:56
Responses (3)
- I
Where in heck are RING staff? They aren't weighing in on this problem with even one solution, one offer to replace a faulty product. We bought one Ring product and were thinking about getting more for the perimeter. NOW it looks like the company only wants to "ship away and slip away"!
17-02-2020 04:07:57
- R
And my subscription as well. I bought the basic plan as soon as I bought the doorbell and now it’s saying my free trial is nearly over. Like, they only took money and clearly didn’t provide any service. What’s happening? 
17-02-2020 04:22:12
C@Rhaine19 Have you tried reaching out to our support team [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372-Get-in-Touch) on this concern? They would be able to address any plan concerns that you may have, and to ensure that your device is in working order in the same call. If you can, please reach out to them as soon as you can, and feel free to update this thread with what they were able to do to address this. Additionally, neighbors, please review [our Community Guidelines](https://community.ring.com/t5/News-and-Announcements/Community-Guidelines/m-p/81#M13%20) at your earliest convenience. Ensure that we are treating the community with respect and being helpful to one another when possible. Please note that this is a neighbor to neighbor forum, and not a direct line to support. If you are needing to get in touch with a Ring Customer Support Agent as soon as possible, it is best to reach out to them directly via phone, chat, or email.
17-02-2020 07:04:52
SThe support chat says they are not helping with troubleshooting and just directs you back to the community support. This is ridiculous. The doorbell functionality is useless if it does not record motion - why isn’t this being addressed?
15-10-2020 10:34:27
CHi @Shugs. While chat is currently unavailable for troubleshooting, our support team is available to help over the phone at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). They'll be able to look into your device and account for you to determine what's causing your concern. We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support. :)
16-10-2020 05:31:33
- D
As of 9/28/20 my ring is not recording all motion. I have gone in & out of my front door & walked up & down my driveway & was dinged that there was motion & no recordings. My neighbor comes home & no recording. I have reset the settings, etc. Its turning into a useless electronic.
02-10-2020 06:03:19
KI’m glad I saw this. Mine is doing the same thing. I thought it was just mine.
14-11-2020 09:16:27
CSame issues here with all my ring devices, we recently got new neighbors and they hit my car was hit in our backyard, (did $2500 worth of damage) ring video did not record it, also noticing this when people come on my front porch, doorbell is not recording, my wifi coverage is 100% and I can view all cameras, all zones are configured correctly and are on max sensitivity, cameras are just not recording, good thing I have backup cameras for the house with localized video recording.
08-12-2020 06:07:05
DI agree with all of you. The Ring is worthless most of the time. It is cold here, 30s and it won't record. But I have the recording intermittenly when it is 70 or 90 or 50 degrees. Have waited on hold for more than an hour many times and then they have no solution. It records when a leaf falls but not when someone breaks into a car or runs in to it. Or when someone comes to your door. What then is the purpose? I am going to look at another product. I've had it. I'm done with products that are worthless when they get popular and a money maker and then they sell very subpar items.
14-12-2020 01:55:22
CMy ring doorbell was recording without any problems for a few months then it stopped. I paid for the subscription which was a waste of my money. There is no way to get help. Internet connection is good, battery is charged. I would not recommend this product since there is no customer support.
25-03-2021 01:28:02
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Mine is new and does the same thing. I recommend throwing it in the trash at this point. WiFi is great and I still can't live view right after I get a notification. Junk
16-02-2020 11:57:42