Ring Doorbell 3 completely unresponsive

The battery in my Ring Doorbell 3 died. I inserted a fully charged battery, like I always do, except this time it is unresponsive.

I tried holding down the rest button and nothing happens.

I tried different batteries, all fully charged.

It is apparently using the battery power (since after putting a battery in there for a few minutes it is no longer fully charged) but it is completely unresponsive. No lights, pressing the doorbell does nothing, app shows it as offline.

Is there no way to chat or email them about this anymore? Only call?

Hi @s0nicfreak. Chat support can help with general troubleshooting concerns, but a potential warranty replacement may be best handled with our support team via one of the numbers available here. We do not offer email support at this time.

When attempting to reset your Doorbell, make sure you’re holding down the reset button for at least 20 seconds. If you’re still not seeing the Doorbell respond at all, our support team can ensure all applicable troubleshooting steps are completed and review your Doorbell’s warranty to determine the best solution. Feel free to let us know how your call goes if you follow up with support! :slight_smile:

So how do I chat with support for troubleshooting? Because chat tells me to select an option, I select troubleshooting, it ends chat and tells me to call.

Is the warranty only for one year? Because this device is 20 months old.

Is there really a point in calling then?

I have a sensory processing disorder that makes it difficult to listen on the phone. Every time previously when I needed to contact support, I have been able to do it online, though it seems to only come up about every 2 years, with the last time being in 2020. It’s just a shame that they have made things more difficult for people with sensory processing and hearing issues.

I have the exact same issue now. As it happens I have a hearing disability myself, so I am in the same shoes as you are. I prefer chat and text options, not voice calls.

Im using an IP Relay Service that allows people like you and I to make voice calls using a voice to text/text to voice relay service. Unfortunately Ring customer service has hung up on me twice.