
Ring Security Cameras

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Ring does not record after midnight

Hi I just set up my ring security camera last night. This morning I noticed nothing recorded after midnight. What is going on? I have the protection plan trial.




21-08-2020 12:17:21

Responses (61)

  • M

    Hi @Kdl8341! As long as you are subscribed or still within trial period, and a motion event was captured, there should be a recording with it. The best first step is to check your motion settings such as zones, sensitivity, modes (if enabled), people only mode, and more. These settings can be found by visiting the Ring app, opening the menu, selecting devices, choosing the desired Ring device, and navigating through Device Settings and Motion Settings on the page. Wifi signal is also important for the intended operation and communication of events and recordings. Check out our [Community post about RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t5/Ring-Device-Tips-and-How-To-s/How-it-Works-Your-Ring-Device-RSSI-Good-vs-Poor/ba-p/751) for tips on optimizing this signal connection strength. Feel free to let us know how this goes! :)


    21-08-2020 07:10:58


      Hi to the community -- I have to agree that it must be due to some update that came through -- our Ring camera has also shown the same "bug" lately ( at least within the last week ) that it seems to "stop" recording after 9:30pm - 10pm at night -- then suddenly it starts up again after 6am - 6:30am. We have a Gig Speed Internet and brand new Eero6 routers throughout the house and have double checked the upload and download speed which surpasses the "minimum" requirement on the device. We need this to be fixed -- recording at night is the most important thing.


      14-12-2020 03:59:12


      Stop telling people this. It’s a problem many are having. Me also, I’ve been on the phone with them several times they’ve sent me two replacement cams. I’m waiting on third cam now but second cam had the same problem.


      20-02-2021 01:45:15

  • N

    I’ve had ring security and cameras for quite a while, and only recently did I discover there are never any recordings after midnight. I have one camera that watches my corner and gets triggered by traffic (which is what I want - it actually caught someone stealing signs,) but now I’ve noticed that it doesn’t record between midnight-6am. I can 100% guarantee there is traffic during those hours. So I did what any Ring owner would do: I installed a 2nd camera on that area. I wake up this morning and check.....same thing happens! Nothing between midnight and 6am! Support hasn’t offered any real solutions as of yet, but if this isn’t resolved, it would mean the cameras are useless for actual security. An issue considering I have invested in a Ring alarm and 6 cameras.


    23-10-2020 01:03:49


      We've noticed the same. Although our's seems to stop recording about 2200 and not start until 0700. I've disabled 'modes' as I thought this may be the issue, but still the same. It must be due to an update.


      09-12-2020 08:54:46


      Has ring been able to explain this? Mine started doing the same thing in December and I thought I was crazy- but I watched a car go by and none of my from cameras caught it.


      21-01-2021 11:18:34


      SOLVED on my camera. 1. Press orange button to reset to factory settings. 2. Make sure firmware is AUTOMATICALLY updated or call Ring for update after you adjust the following settings. GO TO DEVICES AND CHOOSE THE CAMERA YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH. Make sure Ring Alerts, Motion Detection, and Motion Alerts next to picture of camera are ON. 3 Go to Motion Settings: Motion Sensitivity 3/4; Smart alerts OFF; Advance Settings: Advance Motion Detection OFF; Motion Schedule NONE; Motion Frequency FREQUENTLY; Power Settings: Snapshot capture ON EVERY 14 MINUTES; Motion Frequency FREQUENTLY; Advance Motion Detection OFF; 4. Reboot phone. 5. Check your night video.


      20-10-2021 02:20:18

  • T

    I’ve been experiencing the same issue for the last two months, but didn’t have the issue previously, so following to see if things get resolved or anyone offers a solution.


    24-12-2020 01:43:02

    • C

      I'm having the same issue where my ring will stop working at around 10 at night and starts working again around 5 am..


      01-01-2021 08:57:06

      • T

        Mine is the same - it stopped a couple of months ago, it had been working fine until then.


        03-01-2021 10:49:53

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