Ring app 2.0.0 & Mac OS Dark Mode

The new Ring application doesn’t look so good when “dark mode” is enabled in Mac OS Mojave.


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Thanks for your feedback, this has been brought to the attention to the App team. We’ll keep you posted of any updates coming up :slight_smile:

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Was surprised to see that 2.1 update didn’t fix this issue since this was known for quite some time and was an advertised feature for 2.0.

I apologize this was not fixed in this release. Rest assured, this has been brought to the App team and a fix is in the works. Thank you for your patience!

Hardly a solution given dark mode was advertised and the latest fix hasn’t resolved the issue.

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I’m kind of agreement here. No idea if others feel this, way, but the product seems to be reversing and feels more and more beta every day. I can barely get the app to load upon motion or ring these days and then I end up thinking that my machine has some sort of conflict with issues like this one. Just giving the Ring team honest feedback!

I suggest uninstalling and reinstalling your app if you are experiencing any problems, @piddonkadonk. If you’re still experiencing a delay, give our support a call so they can assure everything is up and running to its full potential :slight_smile:

I found this workaround, which excludes the Ring app from the system-wide dark mode. It at least makes the app usable.

In a terminal, run the following, then restart the Ring app:

defaults write com.ring.mac NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes

To undo it, run the following, and restart the Ring app again:

defaults delete com.ring.mac NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance


You’re the real MVP.


A real solution! Thanks Ring for not fixing this. In dark mode there is text that is just 100% hidden, like in the chime settings.

Thanks to the WORKAROUND that @bchavet suggested. Thanks @bchavet.

Ring Team, this workaround is NOT a solution, till your Dev Team fixes the issue. It’s frustrating when well developed solutions suddenly regress and become awful when large corporations take over.

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Fixed for real in latest update!