Ring Security Cameras

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Returned the Car Cam
BECAUSE IF THE REVIEW POSTED ON AMAZON (SEE BELOW) I WAS CONTACTED BY AN "EXECUTIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVE" FROM RING. A TELEPHONE CALL WAS REQUESTED/INITIATED AND I WAS ASKED TO TAKE THEM THROUGH ALL THE PROBLEMS. LONG STORY SHORT AND A WEEK LATER; EVEN THOUGH I WAS ASSURED THAT THE SOFTWARE ENGINEERS WERE WORKING 24/7 TO FIX THE PROBLEMS AND EVEN THOUGH I WAS GRANTED FREE GO SERVICE FOR 60 MORE DAYS, IT WAS EVIDENT THAT THERE WAS NO FORSEEABLE FIX COMING IN THE NEAR FUTURE... SO IVE SENT IT BACK FOR A REFUND. Posted February 18th: Just received Ring car cam. Spent 90 mins on phone with tech support. (still no resolution) It does not show a recording of my driving. While in Traffic Stop mode it continues to record after you start driving again (its not supposed too) and laughingly THIS IS THE ONLY TIME IT RECORDS WHILE YOURE DRIVING!! Goes offline after ten minutes in my driveway saying my battery is low. My battery reads 12.3 volts. (It's a new car) So... It doesn't record while driving or if someone breaks in my car while parked.. FOR $250?????? HELL I CAN PICK UP A BRICK FROM MY GARDEN FOR FREE TO DO THAT. ALSO THEY ARE BEING PURPOSELY DECEPTIVE USING THE WORD "MOTION" DETECTION WHILE CAR IS PARKED/OFF. IT SUPPOSEDLY DETECTS ONLY VIBRATION IF YOU CAR IS HIT (how hard? Who knows but it senses it from the windshield) AND ONLY DETECTS MOTION IN THE CABIN OF THE CAR IF SOMEONE ENTERS... "WELCOME TO THE RING FAMILY"!!! (not the first time I've been lied to by family) ADDENDUM: I am now able to see video of my drive. However reading a licence plate is AN IMPOSSIBILITY AT ANY DISTANCE. Comically, the two little lights you can turn on in the cabin at night for live view ACTUALLY MAKE THINGS LOOK A LITTLE DARKER!! (how they got that effect is beyond me) Some times the cam will stay on after car is off sometimes it will shut off in a few minutes...= TOTAL UNRELIABLITY TO COMBAT AUTO THEFT. It doesnt reliably send notifications when there is movement in the cabin. When it does, they are many minutes delayed... About as long as it takes a good car thief to be gone with your car. You can't download more that 20 SECONDS of a video at a time. Tech support says, they "hope to be able to resolve that problem in the future". Many times the downloads don't go through. Only 2 GB a month??? Maybe the bigwigs at Ring should look into the service they've hired because who doesn't get unlimited data now a days? I WONT BE PAYING ANY EXTRA ON TOP OF THE $60... That's a deal breaker. Why didn't they link it to the customers phone service??? FRANKLY WITH ALL THE PROBLEMS, RING SHOULD BE PAYING ME TO ASSIST THEM IN AN OBVIOUS BETA TEST. How unscrupulous to foist this piece of crap on your "Ring Family". ADDENDUM: IM NOT SURE WHY IM SEEING, ESPECIALLY IN THE 5 STAR REVIEWS, REVIEWERS WHO CLAIM THE CAM PICKS UP MOVEMENT OUTSIDE THE CAR. (ie; cars passing by etc.) LETS BE CLEAR... THE ONLY MOVEMENT THAT TRIGGERS THE CAM IS INDIDE THE CAR. IT WILL ONLY RECORD MOVEMENT OUTSIDE IF THE CAR IS STRUCK. It makes you wonder who's writing these 5 start review?????




01-03-2023 05:06:39

Responses (1)

They should also be extending the return window another 60 days in good faith so we can see if they really will resolve these issues. Plus the ambiguity around how much data these cameras will chew up in a month makes the ongoing plan pricing a concern. I completely agree that this feels like a beta test and we're all the guinea pigs. I bought this camera based on my positive experiences with their other products. This rollout has been a complete disappointment.


01-03-2023 01:13:01

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