Replacing current porch light with "Spotlight" cam or "Floodlight" cam

We currently have a regular porch light at our back porch. We are thinking to replace it with either the Spotlight or the Floodlight cams.
I have two questions:

  1. If we want to mount the cams at our current porch light mount, we would need to get the “wired” version, is this correct? in this case, the floodlight cam wired is much cheaper than the spotlight cam and we will probably choose this one. But Im wondering if the spotlight “plugin” version would also work?

  2. For the floodlight cam, can we make the lights off as default and only have it turn on when it detects motion?

Thank you

Hi @Imuil8. If you want to wire a Floodlight Cam Plus to preexisting wires that have enough voltage to power the Camera, the Floodlight Cam Plus Wired is what you need. Also, the lights for this Camera have the ability to turn on only with motion detection during the night. We also have this Help Center article here with further information regarding the Floodlight Cam Plus Wired. I hope this helps.


Thank you! We purchased the one you suggested and it worked!