Replaced 1st Gen Ring with new Ring Wired - not enough power?

How is it possible that my transformer had enough power to run my 1st gen Ring video doorbell for years and now not have enough to power the Ring Wired?

Have I done something wrong with the install?

I’m really hoping that someone can help before I go researching transformers and/or returning this.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @bkw. You can reference the product page for the Doorbell Wired to check the power requirements. The Doorbell Wired requires an existing doorbell system, Ring plug-in adapter, or a transformer for power supply (10-24 VAC, 40VA max, 50/60Hz, or 24VDC, 0.5A, 12W). Additionally, you can find the installation guide here so you can make sure everything was installed correctly after making sure your transformer meets the power requirements. I hope this helps! :slight_smile: