Remote access to system mode

I can monitor and change the mode of my Ring security system when logged into my Ring account via my laptop. However, using the Ring app on my Android phone lets me access camera feeds but will not show me or change the mode of the system.

Hi @user30280. Are you the one who set the Ring Alarm system up, or were you added as a Shared User? The Modes should appear at the top of the Ring app when you’re on the dashboard. If you’re a Shared User on the Ring Alarm, tap the Location name at the top center of the app and make sure you’re on the Location that says (shared) in the name to indicate it was shared with you. If you’re the one who set the Ring Alarm up, you might be on the All Cameras Location, which you can toggle by tapping the name of the Location. It’s also important to ensure your Ring app is fully updated to the most current version available in the app store.