Reconnecting Ring to wifi

How do I reconnect Ring to wifi

Hey @Keanu10. For a device that is showing as offline in your Devices list, you will need to click on the device and then tap on Device Health to reconnect it to wifi. After you select Reconnect to Wifi, it will take you through a set up similar to the first time you set up the Ring device. From there, you will get it reconnected to your wifi and back to working as intended. :slight_smile:

I am following the instructions to reconnect the ring video doorbell but in Device Health there isn’t any thing that allows me to reconnect

Hi @Sarealestate. If you do not see the option of reconnecting your Doorbell to wifi in the Device Health section, then it is possible that you are the Shared User. Shared Users will not have that option. The person set up as the owner will have that option. You can also try setting up the Doorbell as if it were new by selecting Set Up A Device in the hamburger menu in the Dashboard of the Ring app. Going this route will either let you complete set up or, if you’re not the owner, it will let you know. I hope this helps.

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