QR Code Troubleshooting

Why do I need this QR code, and where do I find it?
Scanning your QR code is often times be necessary when setting up your Ring devices. QR codes (and MAC ID Barcodes) let you easily identify Ring devices while working in the Ring app. QR codes can be scanned, or you can enter the 5-digit code manually.

Check out our guide below on where to find a QR code on most* Ring devices.

Note: If you experience issues with scanning the QR code or MAC ID barcode, you can select “Set Up Without Scanning” and select your Ring device type to continue through the setup process.

*A QR code location can vary depending on product type, especially if not listed above. In any case, your Ring device packaging will come with a Quick Start Guide insert that includes this code.

Don’t Have A QR Code?
Our support team will be happy to assist further! :slight_smile: Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. If you are outside of the US, please visit here to see how to contact support.

For more tips on the QR code part of the setup process, check out our QR Code Troubleshooting guide. :slight_smile:

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When I capture the QR code , its says registered to someone else


Ring doorbells are not new, but telephone is

I wish the QR code was bigger, it’s obnoxiously small…
During the process to scan the QR code it often takes me several minutes of time simply to get it to recognize that it is a QR code. It’s small enough that if I try to get the camera close enough to actually scan it, the QR code is blurry (it can’t focus on things that close up) but is too small when you move further away.
I have to get the backlight just right, and hold the phone at just the correct angle and just the right distance, and still for just long enough…

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