Permanent stream view?

Is there a way to keep a camera stream on screen without it timing out? Permanent view.

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Hi @Cleddau. No, this is not possible. The Live View will timeout after 10 minutes and need to be reestablished to continue viewing.

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Why is this not addressed? There is countless people that were misled by the advertisement of a baby in a crib. This has been in the top of the requested features for how long now?

My reason is that my father uses Ring at his B&B, he can see when people are arriving, bit annoying to keep reconnecting all the time. @Tom_Ring is there any view to this being changed? Its not a battery issue as he has the camera hard wired.

Hi @Cleddau. At this time, there is no new information about the duration of the Live View. This is a popular Feature Request and you can upvote it here.