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Neighbors App has wrong address
I have a issue no one seems to be able to answer. Both in the neighbors app, and the neighbors link within my ring app my address is wrong. The address in settings for my Ring system itself is correct, but the Neighbors portion is wrong (never lived there, not close to my house, not sure where it came from). I went to the Ring store and they confirmed it is supposed to let me change it, but the system will not. I have deleted app and reinstalled, no luck. I have called support twice and stopped at Ring store once and gotten 3 different (all wrong) answers. Any suggestions are appreciated!




08-10-2019 12:21:42

Responses (43)

Sorry to hear about this ongoing concern, neighbors. We've shared your experiences and feedback with the team for further investigation. If you have not already tried to, please uninstall reinstall the Ring application, and ensure location permissions are enabled. If the concern persists, please try the following steps: 1. Start a new set up to create a new location. 2. When the new location is created, exit setup. 3. Confirm that the new location that was just created is correct in the Neighbors portion of the app (if not repeat prior step). 4. Move devices to the new location by going into the Ring device's settings, and changing the location. 5. Remove the old location. This should add the proper location successfully, and help with removing the old location. If the old location remains, I recommend toggling off that location notification by opening the main menu in the Ring app, selecting "Neighbors", tap settings cog (top right), and altering the Alert Preferences. **I have accepted this post as a solution. While we are aware of this concern and are investigating it further, this is a helpful way for other neighbors that come into this thread to try the troubleshooting steps recommended. Additionally, this is to help engage our neighbors to provide us more examples to pass on to our team.**


08-10-2019 11:56:03

I seem to have the same problem. Inside Settings\>Neighbors Settings\> Then what address is suppose to be in this section? If it is suppose to be mine then it has the wrong address. I am trying to attach screenshots of each section. I'm only able to attach one photo. So may attach to 2nd post. ![Screenshot_20191019-160256_Ring.jpg|1440x2960](upload://sOjBbn7RnZIvCghndPSQdIO4vzV.jpeg)


19-10-2019 09:05:20

Attached is the Neighbors Section. Notice the addresses are not the same. I was wondering if the address is not intended to be mine then what or where is it getting the address from and why? ![Screenshot_20191019-160335_Gallery.jpg|1440x2960](upload://zYgaLd0qQhFXAlZFQjCqNCJzaqv.jpeg)


19-10-2019 09:07:07

I have had the wrong address for six months now. It shows my ring location as a vacant lot 9 miles away. I have called, chatted and emailed support, re-installed my device numerous times and sent the first unit back only to discover the problem still exist. I was informed numerous times in the last six months, Ring was working to resolve the problem. Silence on Ring's end. No resolution. What good is the neighborhood community if the location of my device is wrong. I keep getting reports from communities miles from my home.


25-11-2019 11:27:52

Same here. Ring app has correct address, location enabled, etc. Neighbors app is supposed to take address from Ring app but it shows a different address a few miles away.


07-12-2019 08:17:33

By chance is there an update in this issue? I have uninstalled and reinstalled device and still the problem continues to be there. Would like to know what to do or if an update was made to this issue?


30-12-2019 06:11:38

I'm having the same problem. Tech support was no help at all. Frustrating.


24-11-2019 02:45:09

Same issue. None of fixes in this thread worked for me.


12-01-2020 03:23:27

My address is incorrect in the Neighbors and I can't change without loosing monitoring. I never entered this address and it is about 5 miles from my actual location. Google maps shows my location exactly. Any help appreciated.


21-12-2019 10:05:15

I also have this same issue. I cant get the knuckleheads to give me a resolution on the issue. Hopefully you will get an answer to this issue.


30-12-2019 06:21:11

I have had the same problem since June of 2018. I have tried to get help from Ring and Neighbors several times. It's pretty sad that their tech support hasn't been able to solve the issue after a year and a half. I work in IT. If I had a ticket/issue unresolved for that long, I wouldn't have a job. We paid for the device/service and we can't even use it the way it is designed to be used. Time to go back to the drawing board Ring/Neighbors. It would be nice if you refunded our money and/or replaced the devices.


28-12-2019 04:17:12

Do you think it is the device? Or the Neighborhood Program itself?


30-12-2019 06:07:43

Not exactly sure. If I had to guess, I would think it is a little of both. The Ring app is not handing over the proper information to the Neighbors app. My location in Ring is right. My address is set up properly in Neighbors yet the location address is miles away. Not the same street, not the number, not the same part of town. Rediculious! I've tried all the suggestions from other people as well as hours on the phone/computer with tech support. I think a class action suit would get them moving.


15-01-2020 03:36:44

Havig the same problem. Any fix comig up soon?


18-04-2020 05:59:24

We shouldn't have to guess. That is their job.


13-05-2020 03:09:35

I solved it, deleted Neighbors, no more annoying notifications.


31-08-2021 01:57:22

Exact same issue with my neighbors app. The correct address is in Ring, but when I look at local incidents within Ring it shows an address about 5 miles away that I’ve never heard of. I spent a lot of time on the phone with support without any fix. I’ve uninstalled the Ring app and tried a few other suggestions. Last time I was on hold waiting for tech support to come up with a new fix, I was simply disconnected and sent a thank you email suggesting I turn on 2FA (which was already active). I’m surprised tech support hasn’t suggested that I go buy the house shown in neighbors app and move there as a fix; seems like we’ve tried every other conceivable idea. Surely this is more widespread than tech support indicates.


31-12-2019 08:11:49

Add me to list for this one. This is clearly a bug within the application and re-installing the app or jumping through all of the other suggested hoops by Ring is a waste of time and nothing will be corrected. In my case it appears it looks at the city listed in my address and simply places my "home" right in the middle of that city on a map rather than my physical address. This puts the info being provided to me several miles away from where my actual neighboorhood is, so esentially useless


31-12-2019 11:58:37

I have the issue, rather my wife does. I changed everything one my apps. We moved in September 2019. The neighborhood area one mine, I was able to change, on hers, just like everyone else, it is stuck on our old address. Since she isn't the primary, it doesn't allow her to change it; there is no option to do so.


03-01-2020 08:18:30

This is exactly my issue. I am the shared user with the stuck "neighbors" address while everything else is right.


05-08-2020 04:33:16

Didn't find an answer ?

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