Neighbor posts being removed

I keep getting my post deleted as well about an individual whom keeps scoping out my territory for loose object.
Let’s be real here and “let’s call a spade a spade”.
Give me one good reason why my post are being removed? And I want a “clear and concise answer”. Not some jumbled up jargon that explains “nothing”.

I’m in need of 3 more devices. So either “STOP removing my post” or I’m tossing your overpriced Ring product in the garbage and getting 100% of my annual membership refunded!


As it’s been stated before. You need to reach out to the team responsible for it. That email will get you directly in touch with our moderation team for the Neighbor’s app, and please know that it may take 48-72 hours before receiving a response.

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I thought I was the only one going through this. It is so frustrating. I’ve tried using all other categories, I am not trolling or using personal information. And my posts are still being deleted. In fact this morning I saw a post of something identical I’ve been trying to post since Thursday and their post was accepted. I tried reposting mine with the exact same category, title and description and what do you know… DELETED again. I’ve replied to the email they sent about why my post was deleted and as of now no reply. I really hope this gets looked into better. I paid a annual fee for this company if not I will also be asking for a full refund and not renewing at all.

You are able to flag comments or posts you deem as inappropriate, or are not following our Community Guidelines. Once flagged, the comment or post should eventually disappear from your local feed after being sent to our moderation team for review and being deemed inappropriate. In addition, if you see this repeat behavior, you can reach out That email will get you directly in touch with our moderation team for the Neighbor’s app, and please know that it may take 48-72 hours before receiving a response.


I just want to share that I also just went through all this with Ring over the last few weeks. Around July 27th or so, at 3AM, my front camera caught a lone subject walking along the sidewalk. I know that there is a guy in my neighborhood who walks his dog around the same time, this subject did not have a dog. There was also a light rain around that time, I know because the rain woke me up around 4 or 5 which got me to take a look at my Ring history out of curiosity. It is very important that people develop a “feel” for what is “normal” around them, at work, at home, in the neighborhood, so that when something is “different” it stand out.

Does it mean it is criminal or what ever? NO, it just means you have situation awareness and can respond and react in case it is ever criminal! Situation awareness is critical for “SAFETY”.

I tried to post the video with my comments as a teaching and learning tool, and it was rejected with the same form letters. I consider my video and my post to fall exactly under the SAFETY issue of Ring’s posting criteria, and I find it hard to believe that a human being actually looked at my post and comments and felt it was not relevant.

I am retired police officer and I can tell you from experience that videos just like what I tried to post have helped solve crime. In fact, watch the show “See no Evil” on Investigative Discovery, and you’ll see what I mean. A few years ago the hit and run death of a lady from my church was solved by a security camera of a plow truck driving down the road a few blocks away from the point of impact. In itself, a video of a truck going down the road is “nothing”, but when you consider place and time, it connects to a crime. My video of a lone subject walking down my street at 3AM could warn my neighbors of someone checking out the neighborhood. Apparently that is not a safety issue to Ring.

My lesson from my recent experience is to immediately download future videos and share them myself, I do not need Ring’s permission to warn my friends and neighbors of a possible problem in the area. I love Ring’s equipment and system, just not their ability to effectively consider our “safety” from a distance.


I would like to say something. If I choose to walk down my street at any time and not go to anyone’s property. Then saw myself from a neighbor’s Ring device on my neighborhood app I would lose my mind. I’d find them and confront them. I would then go after Ring with a lawsuit since my privacy was unlawfully violated for no reason but to walk down a street. So, that’s why it would not to accepted. People have a right to be in public at any time they wish without being published as a suspect. Now if they went into your property. That’s a totally different matter.

i tried to post a video of a person trespassing onto my property repeatedly and simply asking if someone has seen this person . my post keeps on getting removed. i find the neighborhood community post completely useless due to the extreamly limited criteria of the posting site. Will definitely never use the ring community post again. waste of my time with their misguided “posits messaging” policy.

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totally disagree. if someone enters my property in a gated community with trust passing warning signs at the gates, the person who enters my private property un anouced is legss truspassing and that is a concern!!!

Do you know everyone in your gated community? Do you know everyone they may have over? You seem a bit angry to begin with just by your post. I’m never going to even being to change your mind, so I won’t bother. Believe as you want. I think I see why your posts are being removed. Have a good weekend…

Maybe you are dense, as you suggested. Ringing a doorbell is NOT a crime. So what if another video of somebody walking by was left up? Your post, according to the reply you shared, received complaints. It is spelled out in clear english.

Gee Gemgal, I’m so glad you joined just to start flaming away at old posts. You’re going to be a real asset to the community I can see. Enjoy! Unsubscribing to this useless thread.

Hey neighbors! This is not at all the experience we want for our neighbors. You are able to flag comments or posts you deem as inappropriate, or are not following our Community Guidelines. Once flagged, the comment or post will disappear from your local feed and will be sent to our moderation team for a secondary review. Thank you.

Trying to post anything to the Ring Community seems to be a waste of time - unless its an insulting another member. Forget telling anyone about intruders, suspicious activity, criminal activity or keeping neighbors safe. Attempting to curtail spurious posts to the point you suppress nearly all posts is curing the illness by killing the patient.

I have been trying to post an incident that happened to me and every time I post it, I can’t find it. It seems it is keeps getting deleted and no explanation why.

same here. check your email you signed up with. they will send their form letter rejection notice there. Expect no specifics as to why your post was removed.

Also from what I have read from the community complaints, it seems to me that complainers “Joseph or Josephine Blough” don’t know how to turn off the Neighbors notifications so they whine about getting too many phone notifications (with an audible alert each time i imagine) because of “irrelevant posts” so Ring steps in and deletes everything not pertaining to weather and lost pets (you know, the really important sh…tuff)

I myself bought a ring camera because some punk was going around in peoples driveways testing for unlocked car doors and mine happened to be that night so they stole my car charger and a few other cheap items including a free battery pack that my sister got during appreciation week at her job. If I had the camera then, I wouldn’t have been able to post the incident though. Isn’t that wild??

We just had a “ding dong ditch” and ring refused to post it because it did not fit their rules. Two “teenagers “ ran up to our house, kicked the storm door, rang the doorbell then ran off. I posted it in our neighborhood Facebook page and found out that the family 3 doors down had it happen 10 minutes after ours and their storm door was damaged. Police reports have been filed for criminal trespass. Maybe if ring would let the posts stay up others in the area could be notified and maybe help identify the suspects that are causing property damage.

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