Ring Video Doorbell
My ring doorbell is hardwired but showing a low battery why?
My ring doorbell is hardwired but showing a low battery why?
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12-12-2020 06:15:21
Responses (97)
- CR
Same exact issue as everyone else here... Hardwired (Doorbell 2) for years without issue and now battery is 30%. I disabled Live View, alerts and other features (to help extend the time before I have to charge.) @Tom_Ring can you give an update on this issue? Clearly something new is going on (since around Feb/March of 2021). If there is a firmware issue, it's best to acknowledge it officially and starting working with the community by providing transparent updates. Regardless of the root cause, once the battery dies, no more firmware updates. There will be many customers who cease to be your customers because they will not know how to replace the battery or just not care enough. Also found [this](https://community.ring.com/t/battery-showing-low-despite-full-charge/2319/34) and [this](https://community.ring.com/t/ring-3-not-charging-error-in-charging-source/58004/2) talking about the same thing.
29-05-2021 11:17:15
2Yep.. Losing me as a customer. As much as I liked the ring when it was working, for Ring to expect us to purchase a replacement doorbell, when clearly it is an issue on their end is ridiculous. I will take my business else where. Plus, I work with a large group of landlords on Facebook that just posted about getting a Ring doorbell. I sent them to this thread so they know what they are getting into. So frustrating they are just ignoring this.
03-07-2021 11:18:29
2Bought an Arlo - No issues. RIng could not fix the problem. I wasted so much time with them. 2 wonderful years with my Ring 2 and not a glitch. Then what ever upgrade they did, ruined it.
23-08-2021 01:40:29
- J
[quote="Samoth126, post:55, topic:20331"] Same here with my video doorbell 3. [/quote] me too on my dorbell 3 - look's like we ALL have the same problem. worked for years and stopped a couple of weeks ago (in case of a broken firmeware update?) RING wake up and talk to your customers TRANSPARENT and stop publishing nonsese checklist!
31-05-2021 11:59:19
- J
Is three a way to go back to a later firmware version to when it was still charging? Way is Ring ignoring this issue?
31-05-2021 05:13:20
- C
I have a Ring Doorbell 3 and until last week it was brilliant. Its been running for a year with no problem. Its hard wired and never dropped below 98% battery. Last week I checked the health to find it had 20% battery so I charged it and three days later it was down 45% So I ordered a new battery to rule out a dead cell and with the new battery the same issuè occurs. No change to the config and the device shows that it is hard wired. I have metered the bell wire and get 18v AC. I turned off all motion detection and recording and still the battery drains. Any suggestions?
01-06-2021 08:55:07
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Same issue. Ring Doorbell2, owned since 2017 and hardwired...never once have I had to charge the battery or gotten a low battery notification. Until now (May 2021), it alerted me that battery was low, and is now dead. Ring obviously did something or all of these people wouldn’t be having the exact same issue.
28-05-2021 11:27:42