Multiple cameras battery level

I have several Ring cameras and types but out of the 9 I have 3 require the batteries to be changed out. My question is there a way to see these cameras battery level on one screen without going into each one and bearing down on it?

Hi @jrzcell60. From the Dashboard of the Ring app, you can select the Gear icon from the Camera Preview Tile. This will take you to the Device page where you will see the Battery icon. To get the exact battery percentage, you’ll have to go into the Device Health menu. I hope this information helps.

I have multiple cameras and it would be awesome if the Ring designers would create a way to view all your camera battery life on one spot. Now I have to go to each cameras go into it’s settings go to Device Health and there’s the status. Now I back out go to another camera repeat the same way and then do it all over again and again and again. You get the picture as to how beneficial it would be to have one spot to see all your battery statuses.

Come one technicians please figure it out ASAP because I can’t be the only one to want this. So comment or like or whatever you need to do to tell Ring this is important :thinking: :ok_hand: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :clap:.

Hi @jrzcell60. As we value our neighbors’ feedback, we’ve created a Feature Request board. Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. Feel free to link that post you make in the Feature Request board here so other neighbors that come to this thread can easily find your feature!