Ring Video Doorbell
Motion not picked up until person at front door
I have my Ring Doorbell 2 mounted pointing straight out from my door towards my front drive and ultimately the street and drive goes on for about 110 feet so cars passing at the end of the drive are not a problem for motion detection. I have the app set to pick up movement at 30 feet or more, motion verification enabled, motion zone set at maximum and all three zones set to on and people only mode switched on. However, motion is not detected until the person is at the front door and when that person leaves, basically only recording a small facial section and the back of the visitor. This is not what the Doorbell was bought for and if it doesn't pick up people approaching it is basically useless. Is there anything further that needs doing to correct this?
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23-04-2020 11:53:43
Responses (19)
- C
I’ve been having the exact same problem! I’ve had the device for almost 2 years and it worked fine until the upgraded interface. VERY frustrated that apparently Ring has not fixed this. It gets triggered by things far away, but when people come near my door, it does not turn on until too late and I see the back of their heads walking away. It’s rendering my device useless for security. I have the Ring Peephole version. I have a strong wifi signal and it’s set to be as sensitive as possible. RING, it’s time to fix this programming problem.
17-01-2022 02:40:46
- L
Exact same issue here. Ring 2. Have had it for a few years. I can’t remember if it did this that long ago but for the past 2 years at least it’s doing the exact same thing as everyone else here is experiencing. We have a backyard camera too. Had someone come into our yard and it didn’t detect them until they were about 10 feet from the camera and they grabbed my power sprayer sitting next to our house and ran. It caught only a glimpse of his face because of this exact problem, delayed recording when a person is in plain sight coming towards the camera. I’ve been thinking about ditching them for another brand, it’s quite ridiculous how many have the same issue. It’s clearly not an isolated issue. What’s it take for someone at Ring to actually fix an issue?
18-03-2022 05:34:15
- C
Inconsistent Motion is going to be dependent on the settings you have enabled on your Ring Doorbell. Things like [Motion Zones ](https://community.ring.com/t/feature-update-customizable-motion-zones-for-battery-devices/13965), [Motion Frequency ](https://community.ring.com/t/how-to-set-your-motion-frequency/4237), [Mounting/Placement ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002548086-Proper-Positioning-for-your-Ring-Video-Doorbell) and your specific environment are all factors that will ultimately determine how your Ring Doorbell works for you. A Ring Doorbell mounted at an improper height/angle could put what you are trying to capture outside of the optimal motion detection zone. I would recommend adjusting these settings to see what works best for you. It is also important to note that things like your [RSSI ](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229) and [wifi interference ](https://community.ring.com/t/device-tips-wifi-interference/221) can also contribute to intermittent/inconsistent motion detection. If this is the case, rebooting your internet router may improve your concern. In the event that you’ve tried all these suggestions to no avail, it would be best to contact our support team so they can dive deeper into this for you and find a solution. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372).
01-04-2022 08:24:48
- C•
01-04-2022 08:24:52
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I just bought and installed the new ring doorbell, got it at Costco. I looked up the problems I'm having and alas, they're outrageously common. Everything others are saying, regarding not receiving motion alerts for folks coming onto the property and only receiving alerts for cars going by and myself leaving, is happening in my case as well. This makes the product pretty much useless, and in no way covers what's advertised.
06-11-2021 02:42:54