Modes unavailable on new iPhone update & icon glitches in app

After the new iPhone update, (iOS 17.4.1) my app will not allow me to press any alarm modes. I am unable to press “disarm, home, away.” Instead, it blinks 3 white dots on the screen, and alternates between “loading mode status” & “mode status unavailable.” In addition, any camera with lost WiFi will also have a blinking WiFi icon (normally the no WiFi icon sits still on screen). I have more than 10 cameras. I’m not sure if that has something to do with it. Some hardwired and some wireless. My other home has less and works fine. And it’s not an internet issue because my parents have Androids and their apps also work fine.

Hi @user81114. Can you please share a short screen recording of this behavior you’re seeing? You can either convert the screen recording to an mp4, or upload it to a video hosting site and share the link here. Additionally, which version of the Ring app are you currently running? What type of iPhone do you have?

Has there been any resolution to this issue?
I have the exact issue and have a similar amount of cameras. I am on Android with no issues but my family is all on iPhones with the same issue. Only one family member app works but she has an older iPhone without the latest update.
All family members that have the newest iPhone update has experienced this issue since the update. Which is right at the time of this initial issue inquiry.

Add this user to the list Same exact problem. the loading mode status glitches and cant use the functions

Hi neighbors. Thank you all for sharing this information. Rest assured that our team is investigating and working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can utilize on your phone’s web browser to log into your account and use Modes, or, if available, use your Alarm Keypad. Thank you for your time and patience.