Is there any way to arm the ring camera automatically when outside the geofence?

Right now I need to manually change the mode to “Home” or “Deactivated”. Looks like there’s a geofence ability, but all it does is sometimes remind me to manually deactivate. By the time I get that notification, the camera already has notified me that there is motion detected. It’s annoying and tedious. This needs to be automated. If I return home, the geofence should just disable recording entirely, or switch to “Home” or “Deactivated”. I’m going to return the camera for now.

Hi @user41615. There is no way to automatically change the Modes on your Doorbells or Cameras. Ring Alarm users can use the Mode Scheduling feature to automatically change the Mode at certain times, but users without an Alarm will not have this feature. Neighbors have requested this feature before, which you can find here. You’re welcome to add your feedback and vote to that request.

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