iOS Force Touch - new camera not showing up

Hi all,

added my 5th Ring camera and was expecting the new camera to show up when I Force Touch the Ring app on my iPhone Xs Max. It is not showing up though. Is there a limit in showing more than 4? If so, can I alter the order somewhere so I can prioritize this 5th one to be within the 4 that show?



Good question @btomasie! Only 3-4 devices will show up in this list, which can change based on the last location you accessed in your Ring app. If you have only the one location, then these 3-4 devices in the list will not change. For the Rapid Ring app, this should change based on most recently live viewed devices, but will still show 3-4 devices in the list.

At this time the force touch quick menu for Ring is not configurable. As we value our neighbors’ feedback, we’ve created a Feature Request board. Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. :slight_smile: