
Ring Security Cameras

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I'm hearing sounds and voices through cameras and doorbell

When I listen to my outside cameras and doorbell I hear strange sounds, almost like loud crickets and I hear voices talking. The units seem to be picking up someone else, somewhere else. These are not sounds I can hear outside, so not local to my home. What's going on with that?




16-11-2020 04:34:29

Responses (10)

  • T

    Hi @JuneB. Would you be able to share a video example of how this sounds? This will help the Community determine what might be the source of this. Also, I can share this with our team to see what they think as well. When attaching this video, you will need to compress the MP4 file into a ZIP file, as ZIP files can be attached to your reply and not MP4s. In addition, you can upload this video elsewhere, such as YouTube, and then share the link to the video in your reply. Alternatively, if the video is saved in the Event History in your Ring App, you can choose to share it via email and copy the link that is generated. :smiley:


    17-11-2020 05:50:40

  • A

    I have the same issue. My ring doorbell is actually inside my home using it as a camera for inside and it picks up voices not in my home. I even made sure all TV's and sound producing electronics were off and I still can hear distinct voices and conversations when I put my ear up to my speaker on my phone


    09-09-2021 02:54:23


      I have the Ring cam for our Daughter's bedroom to monitor sleeping habits. Twice now, I have received weird voices picked up on the cam. You can see my daughter's face, and that is not moving when you hear the person speaking. Not to mention, the first one was a very deep ominous male voice. The second, a more feminine sounding, but neither were 'natural' in tone or cadence, but seemed to be trying to communicate with my daughter as she just wakes up. Alexa is in the room, but you can see it in the video, and nothing lights up. There is no live view on the ring during that time, and we have a heck of a password and 2FA set up for Ring. All Ring customer support could offer me is 'sorry' and 'there is no possible way to intercept the traffic'.


      20-11-2021 06:29:45


      You are not alone. I have been experiencing the same thing for quite. Sometime. The most disturbing thing I heard on the motion clip, is an unusual voice that clearly said, "yes she's sleeping" an an inaudible phrase after that. I was actually asleep on the couch. Another time I heard, "there's cats in this apartment" when the motion sensor went off and I was the only one home at the time. Talk about creepy. As a sensitive, I can tell you that we are not alone in our realm and we never have been. Most of us are not able to see or hear the things that are around us but my motion sensor has caught quite a few orbs followed by disembodied voices talking about things that are going on at my home. This has always been a part of our lives, but technology has made it possible to see and hear things that we ordinarily couldn't see or hear. I finally had to turn the cameras off when I'm home because it was affecting me severely.


      03-02-2022 06:20:10


      I just had a similar experience. I have a ring camera and a baby monitor in my kids bedroom. Wife said she heard through the monitor something along the lines of “fries and milkshake” coming from our ring camera. No motion or login event was recorded though.


      06-03-2022 09:54:28


      Me too!!! My upstairs camera picked up a spinning ball of light with no windows during the day. Simultaneously I heard a male voice. It has me scared!!!!


      18-06-2024 04:21:26

  • U

    It’s currently 3:10am. My home is whisper quiet as my kids are sleeping. Usually I am asleep by now as well however, currently I am not. I hear talking and music coming from somewhere. I jumped up to check from where is this noise coming! My first two stops are my kids rooms as initially I thought maybe one of them left their tv too loud but silence. Both are on (to illuminate room) but as usual no sound is playing. I immediately take the hall down to the front living room where I have the ring indoor camera. Upon entering the front I head for the sound bar connected to my wall unit as it has been “intercepted” in the past as well but as I’m standing there reaching to unplug the bar I hear conversations coming from the camera I LOOK AT THE CAMERA with horror and walked over to it to see a blue dot/circle glowing and the noise immediately stops but the dot/circle is still there. I snatched it down from the wall and dismantled its connecting cords and/or pieces! Not sure what the heck or who the heck but that was an extreme invasive of privacy! I immediately log into my ring account to disconnect the front living room device from there as well and to seek out answers in regards to if this or something similar had happened to anyone else? I’ve always heard to be careful with home security systems and the possibility of this happening but I guess I can admit I was naive and unbelieving until it just happened to me!! Now the concern is who, what, why and how often because if I had not been awake or alert I could’ve missed this incident so how many have their been and WHY?? Homeowners invest in security to feel secure correct???


    19-04-2023 07:25:22


      I bought a camera for inside our apartment about 4 years ago. This was to only monitor our dog while we were gone. One day while I was bored, I went back and watched footage from the daytime of when I was home, since we had forgotten to turn off the recording.  I get up to go to the bathroom and when I walk in there and close the door, I hear a deep sigh coming from the camera.  It's definitely not my boyfriend. He's at his desk at the time.  It's so creepy.  I've also got another video in our place from 4 am, a white clear orb darts across the camera. It shoots into the wall and when it hits the wall, you can hear a tap, as if hitting the metal stud. Crazy stuff.  I've got the video still of the deep sigh. 


      13-01-2025 01:27:22

  • J

    Hi neighbors. For any privacy and security-related concerns, like hearing others speak out of your Cameras, I would recommend you contact our support team to investigate further. Give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.


    20-04-2023 06:46:49

    • U

      Just a while ago my indoor camera picked up some kind of transmission with a man speaking. It's only about 5 seconds but I could only make out " scope the area " and "on the sides" and "park". Then an hour later it's about 3 seconds of some buzzing with a higher tone hum


      30-06-2024 03:11:03


        Hi @user_fb2da7. Can you share this video or a screen recording of this video?


        01-07-2024 07:56:16

    Didn't find an answer ?

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