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How it Works: Video Doorbell (1st Gen) and Video Doorbell 2 Coverage
OVERVIEW Your Video Doorbell (1st generation) and Video Doorbell 2 have three passive infrared motion sensors providing 160 degrees of horizontal motion coverage. When these sensors detect motion they trigger your devices camera to stream the view from your door. This is why it’s so important to find the perfect height and viewing angle when installing your camera. For example, if you install it pointing up toward your porch ceiling, the motion sensors will be angled in a way that they will be triggered by motion further away, but may miss visitors just a couple feet from your door. CAMERA VIEW VS. MOTION SENSOR COVERAGE The field-of-view for your Video Doorbell is the area you see when it is streaming video, whereas the motion sensor coverage is the area your device actually senses motion in. Notice in the photos below how the camera view (in green) lets you see the entire area in front of the door, while the motion sensors cover the midway horizon point to the ground (in blue). The device is designed this way so that it will be triggered by a person's heat signature from their shoulders down when installed at the correct angle. ![Doorbell Motion Coverage](upload://2Krgc08Dj8zoZJjPDJhm5KfL14p.jpg)HEIGHT In the photo above, the ideal mounting height for your Video Doorbell is 48" on a level surface. This positions the sensors at the ideal location to detect approaching visitors and have the best view from the camera. Note: This may not be the case if you are installing the device at the top of a hill or set of stairs. In such a location you might want to use a Wedge Kit to angle your Doorbell down for better coverage of approaching visitors walking up to the door. You always want to think of your device’s field-of-view and motion sensor coverage when installing it. ANGLE The angle you install your device at is very important for optimizing the camera’s field-of-view and motion sensor coverage. If you angle it down too far, it will cover a smaller area and possibly miss someone approaching. However, if you angle it up too high, it will cover a larger area and distance, which could result in false alerts from cars driving by. You should also consider the street you live on when setting up your Doorbell. For example, if you live on a busy street, you will want to ensure that the device is angled so that the street is roughly above the bottom two-thirds of the camera view. This may help lower the number of false alerts from cars. UNIQUE INSTALLATION LOCATIONS Having a hard time getting the right view with your Video Doorbell? That could possibly be due to: - Slanted Siding - Raised entrance with steps - Long porches With one of these unique installation locations, a Wedge or Corner Kit may help. Learn more about Wedge and Corner kits in the videos below. Video Doorbell 2 Wedge Kit https://www.youtube.com/embed/VqgPoo7QRfU Video Doorbell 2 Corner Kit https://www.youtube.com/embed/D5KEMR4_h2k Video Doorbell(1st generation) Wedge Kit https://www.youtube.com/embed/tEfLzus06eo Video Doorbell (1st generation) Corner Kit https://www.youtube.com/embed/kZyrOrbuvNI




05-11-2019 06:56:39

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