Doorbell - can’t contact previous owner

Inherited doorbell from previous home owners. Unable to register the doorbell to my Ring account and unable to contact previous owner to get them to remove the doorbell from their account.

Any solutions? Thanks!

Please contact me I can’t get my doorbell set up again and all’s I did was take it off to charge battery

Hey neighbors! If you cannot get the Doorbell set up because it is saying that it is still registered to a previous owner, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19. This has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 here to see how to contact support.

The ring doorbell account has not been disconnected by the previous owners, and it seems nearly impossible to get in touch with customer service at Ring to resolve this issue. How do I disconnect the previous account?

Hi @spangler2001! It sounds like you’ve taken all the right steps. Just to be sure, here is our Change of Ownership help center article. If ownership is still not obtained, please see Chelsea’s post above on how to reach our support team.