Ring Video Doorbell

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Doorbell 2 not picking up motion

I've got a video doorbell 2 and recently the ring of lights around the doorbell button are staying on and the doorbell hasn't been picking up motion. I've tried taking the battery to reboot it and wiping it down. Neither has helped. The audio and video from the doorbell are both clear. Any ideas on what it could be?




25-07-2019 12:06:29

Responses (4)

  • R

    Hi @gblinckmann, thank you for reaching out in the Community to connect with your fellow neighbors! Is your Doorbell hardwired? Also, are you not seeing any "Motion Events" in your devices event history?


    25-07-2019 10:34:33


      Yup, the doorbell is hardwired. The doorbell works fine as a doorbell. It's just the motion events that aren't there unless you physically touch the doorbell. The video is fine if you manually connect to the doorbell. It's not the app alerts. The doorbell just doesn't sense motion.


      25-07-2019 11:11:51


      I'm having this same issue with my doorbell 1


      26-07-2019 12:57:39


      Hi neighbors, would you be open to sharing screenshots of what your motion settings look like in the app? Also, are either of your Doorbell's at the top of a set of stairs?


      29-07-2019 10:28:34


      I got the ring 2 and while it activated it when I saw nothing there it did not ring when someone was right at door ringing bell. It is not hardwired


      05-01-2020 05:37:23


      Doorbell 2 not picking up motion


      14-03-2020 11:56:49

  • R

    I have a similar problem, but it's intermittent. For example, this morning the camera caught me pulling into the driveway, but not leaving. Last night, it caught me returning from walking my dog, but not when I left. It's been about a month of that. It used to work fine and caputre all motion. I haven't changed any settings in that time. Any ideas?


    04-01-2020 02:43:18


      I am having a similar problem with the Doorbell Pro. When we first set up the motion zones, we had it set to People Only and it picked us up backing of garage, but not pulling into driveway. We had constant alerts just from car headlights at night. We tried various combinations of People Only, All Motion, redrawing the motion zones, etc., even set two different zones for driveway and the front door area, all to no avail. It either picks up every passing car, or nothing unless someone actually rings the bell. We also have a Floodlight Cam for the back of our house. It is set to People Only, yet picks up the cat walking within the zone and this morning picked up the deer passing through. Yet, just now when I left the house, the Doorbell Pro did not pick me up backing out of the driveway _or_ pulling in (it's currently set to People Only because last night it went off more than 20 times in about 2 hours just from headlights or something else I couldn't see). This is not useful to us as is. I simply can't imagine that our set up or environment is so different from everyone else. I'm very disappointed and am very close to asking for a refund and returning this device. What is the solution?


      04-01-2020 06:43:34


      Why is it that my ring doorbell 2 will pick up a car passing my house but will not pick up a person until they get halfway up my driveway


      05-01-2020 02:53:10

  • T

    I am having the same issue. All of a sudden there are no push notifications on my phone. As well as no history of events. I can go to the live camera it is just fine. Nothing has changed network wise. It is not hard-wired but the battery is fine. Great signal, etc. Everything you could think of. I would just reinstall the app, but there is nothing in history??


    02-04-2020 05:55:42


      Mine does the same thing. It will pick up my car pulling in the driveway, but never me walking up to the door. Or, it will go off when the doorbell is pressed, but it didn’t pick up when the person walked up to the door. Or it will pick up my flag waving, but no people. It’s very frustrating. It’s really becoming useless for me. Mine is battery powered, not hardwired.


      19-06-2020 10:23:12

  • F

    I agree. My system is set to receive alerts but alerts never happen. They used to. Back in January I got an alert just in time to watch a person kick in my neighbors door. Now. No alerts at all. When Ring introduced modes it completely messed up motion alerts. If Ring could backtrack the features about 8 months that would be perfect. Modes DO NOT WORK. It leaves serious security concerns. Modes would be great if they could be scheduled and actually displayed alerts. It would be great if I could send a message to Ring support. Nope I am forced to ask a robot then sent here to community forums of consumers. SMH.


    20-06-2020 04:55:48

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