Ring Video Doorbell

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Door Chime Buzzing Non-Stop After Ring Pro Install

Good morning, I am a new Ring customer. I attempted to install my new Ring Doorbell Pro and as soon as I turned the breaker back on at the box the door chime installed in the foyer started making a very audible buzzing sound that wouldn't stop. The Ring Pro also didn't power on. If I had waited 30 minutes, maybe it would have but I was concerned by the buzzing so I disconnected everything in the chime box. I checked the doorbell model, and it is an Edwards C210-W which is on the mechanical doorbell compatibility list for Ring Pro. The transformer is a 16V 10VA which meets the Ring Pro doorbell power requirements. Thank you in advance for your assistance.




25-06-2020 01:08:11

Responses (12)

  • T

    Update: I was able to resolve the issue. I re-wired the Ring Pro, swapped the red and the white wires, and ensured they were screwed down extra tight. It's working now.


    25-06-2020 02:40:47

  • T

    I had the exact same problem. After one year of no issues at all, the Ring doorbell wouldn’t turn on and the doorbell chime would buzz and half ring every 30 seconds or so. Super annoying! It turned out that the wires connecting to the Ring doorbell was shorted! The wire insulation had worn out and the bare wires were touching each other. I was able to fix by wrapping electrical tape over the exposed parts of the wire.


    23-09-2020 08:28:48

    • D

      If this doesn't work for anyone, here's a post I made on another Ring community topic created by someone with a similar issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybnWDxjlZ0This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybnWDxjlZ0) solved the issue for me with my Ring Doorbell Pro. Here's the link to the [Resistors](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0185FJZO8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)on Amazon. Very easy to do (and didn't get shocked either!)


      20-10-2020 08:27:01

      • J

        I had buzzing too in my ring pro with 2 internal chime setup on one of the chimes. First I tried a power kit for each chime instead of just one, but this caused the chime not to sound at all. Thanks to Dubitz, I learned about the resistor to lower the chime transformer voltage. The power kit is about 4ish ohms resistance, which is too low to allow chime operation. For me, a 20 ohm was needed to get a good balance of chime operation and eliminating the buzzing noise. 10 ohm resulted in too weak a chime. I think Ring should consider providing an accessory for this to resolve buzzing issues...this was frustrating and probably something the Ring folks have heard a number of times from customers already.


        01-01-2021 10:13:21

        • T

          I installed mine about a week ago, it worked fine for a day. After that day it only rings one mechanical chime and not the second one. Few days later I get a really bad buzzing and vibration coming from the striker. I have had absolutely zero help from ring customer service. They told me to call a technician. The house is literally brand new. The wiring is fine. Ive tried every troubleshooting under the sun with no success. Even removed the device and set up as new. Triple checked all wiring. No success. continues to buzz. Will probably just return it if customer service is going to continue to ignore the fact that my ring has a problem with the unit itself.


          23-01-2021 05:13:29


            Im replying to my own post here...I searched across these for hours on end and one person said to remove my ring from my devices in the alexa app. It worked. No more humming, no more buzzing, and both strikers in the mechanical chime fire how they are supposed to.


            23-01-2021 08:24:08

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