Does the ring app have to stay on for my doorbell to work?

Does the 2nd gen doorbell ring app have to be on in order for it to work. When I have the app off, my phone will not ring on my iphone when you press the bell, but the bell rings outside. ???Help, new customer, first time user of Ring.

Hi @Jimboy81. You do not need to have the Ring app open to receive notifications. As long as you are logged into the Ring app, and have Motion and Ring Alerts toggled on, you should receive a push notification on your phone when someone is at the door. I’d recommend trying these troubleshooting steps for notifications on iOS devices to ensure everything is set up correctly.

I guess I worded my question wrong. So, as I understand you, my ring app on my iPhone I must be logged in all the time for the doorbell to work? When I log off the app, it will not work. Is that right?

Hi @Jimboy81. I’m happy to chime in. If you log out of your account in the Ring app, you will not get notifications from your Doorbell, but it will still record if someone rings it or if it detects motion.