Direct link (shortcut) to Ring camera live feed


I am trying to make a dashboard using actiontiles (iOS) now I can make a tile with a shortcut to the Ring app wich then opens the Ring dashboard.

I was wondering if it is also possible to op the Ring app and directly go to the Live feed of a specific camera, much like when you tap on a Ring or Rapid Ring notification of a camera, it then opens the live feed of the camera.

is there a way to create a shortcut or url which opens the app and starts a live feed.

In actiontiles I use the url “ring://“ to open the app, for anyone who is wondering?

thanks in advance

If found thath using “ring:\settings” opens the app in the Neighbours Settings, this option is not available in my country (Netherlands) and I can not reach these settings through the menu.

So I gues there will be more options to open the app with a startup option.